• (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, no such index

    I am seeing this error in my sugarcrm.log, anyone know what might be causing this? "Job c6759e5c-1f10-11ed-889b-08002739f7af (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, no such index [95152e7188d364b5d185954f0950adae_contacts] [index: 95152e7188d364b5d185954f0950adae_contacts…
  • (Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, Undefined constant "Sugarcrm\Sugarcrm\Elasticsearch\Adapter\CURLOPT_USERAGENT"

    This is concerning a local development environment, running in a vagrant VM sugarcrm/php80es716 with Sugar Sell 12.0.0. I have setup the scheduler cron job, but I am getting "(Elasticsearch Queue Scheduler) failed in CRON run, Undefined constant "Sugarcrm…