• Revenue Line Item - reporting bug?

    Hello, We've recently noticed a discrepancy on number that are reported for Closed Won Revenue Line Items, for the converted (e.g. EUR to USD) product lines. E.g. if a Revenue Line Item (Closed Won in April 2024) was 3,500 EUR, on the Revenue Line…
  • Why count on chart is different than count on table?

    On a report "Summation with details", I get two different values on the bar chart and on the table underneath the chart. Isn't it misleading? Thanks
  • How to add print to pdf functionality while using custom reports

    Hello, Does anyone know how I can create PDF from the custom report. I don't have any idea about how to add custom print to pdf functionality in custom reports. from the above screenshot have export to word functionality but I want same as print…
  • First response not calculated

    Hello everybody! My team and I wanted to use the First Response fields that are available in Sugar 10. We were planning to use it to get a better view of SLAs and deliver better customer experience. Following the documentation we found that Business…
  • How to create a new report operator?

    I need to create a new operator in Sugar, is that possible??
  • Calculating Opportunity Aging from Advance Reports

    We wanted to be able to create a report that will calculate opportunity aging without creating a bunch of new fields in Sugar. The idea behind this is I can create an Advanced Report query that would add calculated values for the "time in stage". I came…
  • How can I add the people that received a scheduled report on the CC email form of each user that recieve the report

    Hello, I have the requirement of How can I add on the CC of the email result of scheduled report all the people added on the destination list of that scheduled report. I appreciate all the ideas!, Thank you.
  • Create custom PDF Template which is generated while execution of report schedule

    Requirement: Show data table in received pdf template as same as shown into the run report view of UI I have some requirement, which is not fulfill using default report schedule. So i have created custom scheduler, custom report scheduler. But the PDF…
  • Need to have drill down functionality in Reports

    Hi All, We need to have drill down functionality in reports. As per the screenshot attached, if we drill down on Year> Quater, Month, Week are automatically populating. We need to implement the functionality like if we drill down on Quater then only Month…
  • Need to show aging brackets in reports

    Hi All, We need to show aging brackets like (0-2 Days, 3-5 Days, 6-15 Days, 15- 30 Days, More than 30 Days) in vertical bar diagram columns in reports. Please help us on this. Thanks, Yashgeet
  • How add custom field in report scheduled window

    Hello Developers, I want to upgrade /modules/Reports/tpls/AddSchedule.tpl. and add one custom dropdown field and save value in database. Is there any way to upgrade this tpl file and save value in database.?
  • Parent Dependent dropdown field is not filtering dropdown values based on the parent selection in Reports.

    Hi All, We have created parent dependent dropdown field in studio i,e, Type and Category field. Based on the selection of different types, different categories should be populated which is a dependent field. It is working perfectly in the edit layout…
  • Add custom field in Scheduler module.

    Hi Sugar Developers, I have requirement were, I want to add custom dropdown field in scheduler. In dropdown there are two option pdf and csv. when user select pdf option from dropdown scheduler will send report in pdf format. I know we don't get scheduler…
  • Thumbnail Images in Reports

    Hi, We are taking photos with the SDK app and uploading them to the Sugar Cloud (Enterprise version). Would it be possible to include thumbnails of the images on Reports? Many thanks Brian
  • How to get scheduled report in .csv format?

    Currently scheduled report get in pdf format but is there any way to get scheduled report in .csv format? #scheduled #report csv
  • Not able to create reports, related module fields are not displaying

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to create reports using reports module in sugarcrm 8.0.1 version but after selecting the module related module fields are not displaying and not able to copy the existing reports also. Does anyone have idea on this?
  • Tracking the very last call result of a contact

    Forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong spot! We have an added custom fields for calls that allow a user to select "TT" for Talk To, "LM" for "Left Message", "Scheduled Call" and "Ops Note". It helps give us a better idea of which clients are picking up…