• Hotfix for Duplicate Quote issue (many fields from the Quote Line Items can't be modified from the create view of the copy) ?

    Hello, I am facing a sugar bug that is very annoying for my customer ; when copying a model quote, several of the fields of the QLI of this new quote can't be modified from the create view (quantity, price, discount etc.). So we have to first save…
  • How to Extract Quoted Line Items Data

    I would like to utilize the REST API to extract QLI data. I need the related Quote to be exposed as well as the individual QLIs. I have a working Webhook where Quote header data is pushed to on external system using a specific trigger in Sugar. That…
  • Process Definition with Quoted Line Items

    Is it possible to create a process definition where upon a quote status changing to a certain perimeter, the system with populate a field on the Account record with a list of the line items used in that quote? This way, we can see that list when future…
  • Additional Quantity field for Quoted Line Items

    Dear Sugar Community, I have a question relating to quoted line items. We have the need to add an additional field to the quoted line item, this field will be known as a “term”, i.e. a term of 1 year 1.5 years 2 years etc. I need the “term” value…
  • Quoted Line Items Audit Log

    Dear Sugar Community, I'm trying to enable Auditing on Quoted Line Items. i.e. I want to see a list of changes made to the QLIs when a user updates, for example, quantity, amounts etc. I have turned on the Audit Flag on several QLI fields. E.g. …
  • How to prevent multiple copies when retrieving records in after-save logic hook

    In an 'after save' logic hook, there is a process that checks for any records that match the ID of the Opportunity, and the Special Key of the Revenue Line Item to match the same values in the Quoted Line Item (Special Key - QLI_key_c - is the ID of the…
  • Rest API Quote Line Items

    Hi, I have developed a simple C# program to extract Quotes from Sugar using the example sugarondemand.com/rest/v11/Quotes/{0} However this returns the header data only. Question is: What do I use to return the Quote Line Items? Thank yo…
  • Cannot Modify Multiple QLIs Without Data Conflict

    Good afternoon, I was wondering if anyone has found a work around for the issue of not being able to edit multiple QLIs in the Quotes module? I am currently working in V10.0.2. This is a known sugar bug ( https://portal.sugarondemand.com/#supp_Bugs…
  • Add field in QLI within Quote detail/edit view

    Hi All, In latest 7.9.x version the Quote module is now a side car module before this was bwc module and we were able to add oob/custom fields in QLI within Quote detail/edit view How to achieve it in version 7.9.x? Any help will be highly appreciable…
  • Dynamic Dropdown in Quoted line item

    I want to populate the drop-down values dynamically based on other field value selected in Quoted Line Item. I have add ed my changes in following path: custom/modules/Products/clients/base/fields/enum/enum.js. OnChange of product_template_id field, i…
  • Quoted Line Items Subpanel related Quotation in custom module

    I have created a Custom Module(COF) in that module when i select the Quotation all fields are auto populate based on Quotation. So how to get that quotation related Quoted Line Items in a custom subpanel after save the COF Form. I really need help, as…
  • Sugarcrm 7.9.3: Quote Line Items -CreateView- ReadOnly Not Working

    I'm working on sugar 7.9.3, When trying to make a field in quote line item to readonly its not working. Following is the scenario. I added product field status to show in quote line items. modules/Quotes/clients/base/views/record/record.php ( Worked in…
  • Selecting quote line items from intelligence pane catalog does not trigger on change event on mft_part_num

    In Quotes I have an on-change event on ProductsQuoteDataRelateField to set price and tax from an ERP. custom/modules/Products/clients/base/fields/quote-data-relate/quote-data-relate.js ( { extendsFrom : 'ProductsQuoteDataRelateField' , initialize : function…
  • how can I trigger a QLI refresh?

    I am working in 7.9.4 Pro. I have a custom onSaveRowEdit() in an extension of ProductBundlesQuoteDataGroupListView. custom/modules/ProductBundles/clients/base/views/quote-data-group-list/quote-data-group-list.js When an item is saved, it checks for a…
  • 7.9 Quoted line items - on-change controller

    Has anyone figured out where to define on-change events for Quoted Line Items? We need to look up pricing in a third party ERP based on mft_part_num. I already removed the populate related for the price field using the Extension framework, and now I'm…
  • Dynamic Multi-select on QLI will not store selected value/s, though it says it saved.

    SugarCRM 7.9 Quotes I have a dynamic multi-select in Products, the items are retrieved appropriately and the dropdown values display and are selectable. However, when I save, the selected values are not saved in the database although there are no errors…
  • this.model in quote-data-group-list does not have relate field from record.php

    Hello, I've been struggling to figure this one out and wondered if anyone had any ideas. We have a requirement to make a relationship between products and Tax Rates, selectable in the 7.9+ Sidecar quote-data-group-list.php view. Here's a brief outline…
  • Sugarcrm 7.9: Validate Quote `Group List` upon Save

    Im trying to add validation to Quote line items. As the quote moved to Sidecar in Sugarcrm 7.9 save to lineitems are difference. We can edit and save each lineitems. Im trying to validate some field upon save in the Line items refer image below. I have…
  • Potential Bug: 7.9 Quote Line Item custom fields do not display when quote is loded

    Add a custom column or two to Quote Line Items: custom/modules/Products/clients/base/views/quote-data-group-list/quote-data-group-list.php select a value for the custom field and save. The custom fields show with their saved values, a query on the back…
  • How to make QLI Description editable as it was prior to v7.9

    I have a client who is accustomed to editing the Product Description in the QLI once the information has been copied from the Product Catalog and they need to continue doing that. Has anyone been able to add the Description field beneath the QLI in the…