• Change Contact Record View "Copy Primary Address..." Text

    Is there a way to change the standard text "Copy primary address to alternate address" to something that matches the names we have given these two addresses in the Contact module?
  • Best practice for trigger a process definition after a long period of time.

    Hello, I hope you are all well. I have a request from my business to update a field on the contact record after 120 days, simple enough, so I thought. My first thought was to create a Process Definition to look for the event and wait 120 days. But I had…
  • api update record using put

    I'm trying to update the status of an existing Lead using PUT, it always return that error. Also, I did tried on a local and ondemand instance with different records getting the same result. curl -X PUT \ https://gnutresatest.sugarcrmcolombia.com/rest…
  • Sugar Labels Not showing after copied from GIT (On Demand to my Local Development)

    After installing the on demand sugar copy of CRM from Git, Most of the module lables are not showing up. After research we found that, The Language files that are supposed to be generate in “cache/api/metadata” are empty. Files are following: That means…
  • On-Demand Module Loader Issues

    Hi, We're having an issue in module loader on an On-Demand Instance. Here's a picture - On the "Code Level Customisations" module the Uninstall & Disable buttons are missing. The version 95 is correct. Prior to an upgrade today it was at 94 with…
  • Auto Increment Integer Field in SugarCRM 7.6 On-Demand (SaaS)

    I've been encountering an issue when working with SugarCRM 7.6 On Demand (aka SaaS instance) in making a custom field auto-increment on every update. Since I can't access the code directly to modify Sugar's internals to create an auto-incremented field…