Looking for some Use Cases for adding functionality to Sugar?

I have posted a new post with some Use Case examples on how to leverage the Sugar Framework to add additional functionality. What are your thoughts? Do you have more use cases I can add to the list?


  • hey

    I think Sugar could do with some help for implementing CRM for customers that have a B2C customer base rather than just B2B, or even better to have ability to deal with both.
    i.e. a business that has all B2C customers that place orders from a website, and also has to manage relationships with their suppliesr (B2B).


  • hey

    I think Sugar could do with some help for implementing CRM for customers that have a B2C customer base rather than just B2B, or even better to have ability to deal with both.
    i.e. a business that has all B2C customers that place orders from a website, and also has to manage relationships with their suppliesr (B2B).

