• Looking for some Use Cases for adding functionality to Sugar?

    I have posted a new post with some Use Case examples on how to leverage the Sugar Framework to add additional functionality. What are your thoughts? Do you have more use cases I can add to the list? sugarcrm.substack.com/.../-what-do-i-do-now
  • Introduction to the Sugar Frameworks

    My latest post on the 4 Sugar Frameworks can be found at sugarcrm.substack.com/.../sugar-framework
  • Setup CRON job where I can use SugarCRM framework

    Hello, I need to create a script that runs every day, grabs emails from inbox, parses these, and if it finds the info needed, duplicates some entries in SugarCRM, sets some fields etc. I need to use the SugarCRM framework, code like: $account = new Account…