On click of custom button , how can I call API ?

Query : I have an API in Acconts/clients/base/api/mycustomAPI.php. On click of the button (custom button created) , it should call that API. 

Sugar CRM version used : 10.3 

API  url :

My Code: (record.js)

//add listener for custom button
this.context.on('button:submit_button:click', this.submit_button, this);
app.api.call('update',app.api.buildURL('Accounts/' + this.model.get('id') + '/mycustomAPI') ,null {
app.alert.show('success', {
level: 'error',
messages: 'Activated.',
autoClose: false
error: function(error){
app.alert.show('err', {
title: app.lang.getAppString('ERR_INTERNAL_ERR_MSG'),
messages: err,
autoClose: false

Please help me with the code here. !!!

Parents Reply Children
  • app.api.call('update',url,params,{...}); 

    what is the params here ? What is the use of this ? 

    I am new to it so please spare me..

  • The question mark indicates a placeholder for the input, the path_vars then name that placeholder.

    Path_vars are in the same order as the path

    So the first two in your path do not have an associated variable, but the third one does: id.

    if you had two varialbles, you would have two placeholders.

    This is for a GET method of course.

    Hope this helps clarify. 

  • Thanks Francesca, for the information and I have some better  understanding now.



    What is param here ?  What is the use of this ? 

  • There are essentially two ways to pass parameters in an API, one is in the url itself, and one is in the request body.

    The "param" in the example above are the parameters which are passed in the request body, and received by the custom api accordingly.

    See if you can find a primer on APIs that you can read through to familiarize yourself with the different methods and parameters. It will help. 

  • Hi Francesca,

    I am not getting any response on click of button. No alert message. Also not sure whether data is coming back or not .  Please refer codes below: 

    Path modified :
    path' => array('Accounts', 'mycustomeAPI', '?')

    (Used in Postman) [checked in postman I am getting a response]
    API URL : http://{{CRM_URL}}/sugarcrm/rest/v10/Accounts/mycustomAPI/?id=62aace7c-8729-11eb-a0e4-0e1a95bf95b1

    app.api.call('read', app.api.buildURL('Accounts/mycustomAPI/' + this.model.get('id')), null{
    app.alert.show('Activation-Initiated', {
    level: 'error',
    messages: 'Customer Is Activated.',
    autoClose: false
    error: function(error){
    app.alert.show('err', {
    title: app.lang.getAppString('ERR_INTERNAL_ERR_MSG'),
    messages: err,
    autoClose: false


  • In postman the url must looks:


    have a issue in the code, are missing one comma after position of "params"

    app.api.call('read', app.api.buildURL('Accounts/mycustomAPI/'+model.get('id')), null, {...});

  • From Postman : 

    With this URL


    404 Not Found
        "error_message""Could not find a route with 3 elements"

    But with below URL , Response is coming.... 


    From Browser(Sugar UI)

    On click of button : Below Error

     GET18.232.89.200/.../5bb2d56a-b6f9-11eb-a74d-0e1a95bf95b1 404 (Not Found)


    public function registerApiRest()
    return array(
    'MyGetEndpoint' => array(
    //request type
    'reqType' => 'GET',

    //set authentication
    'noLoginRequired' => false,

    //endpoint path
    'path' => array('Accounts', 'mycustomAPI', '?'),

    //endpoint variables
    'pathVars' => array('', '', 'id'),

    //method to call
    'method' => 'mycustomMethod',

    //short help string to be displayed in the help documentation
    'shortHelp' => 'get all Cusotmer By Customer ID in SugarCRM',

    //long help to be displayed in the help documentation
    'longHelp' => '',

    public function mycustomMethod($api, $args)
            //custom logic
            return $args;


    app.api.call('read', app.api.buildURL('Accounts/mycustomAPI/' + this.model.get('id')), null,{
    app.alert.show('Activation-Initiated', {
    level: 'error',
    messages: 'Customer Is Activated',
    autoClose: false
    error: function(error){
    app.alert.show('err', {
    messages: 'Customer Is Not Activated',
    autoClose: false

    Please suggest the changes.


  • I tray the code and the results in local instance is:

    did you repair the instance after changes?

  • Thanks alot Sanchez. This really works. I got to learn many things here. Highly Appreciated. 

  • Issue Solved : Able to call endpoint on click of  button.

    Casue Of Error : After all the changes suggested above , i missed to do repair and rebuild.(MY BAD)


    Response of the Endpoint: 

    How can I access the response in record.js ?
    For  Example : I want to retrieve the status from response and set that value in some other field.
    app.api.call('read', app.api.buildURL('Accounts/mycustomAPI/' + this.model.get('id')), null,{
    app.alert.show('Activation-Initiated', {
    level: 'error',
    messages: 'Customer Is Activated',
    autoClose: false
    error: function(error){
    app.alert.show('err', {
    messages: 'Customer Is Not Activated',
    autoClose: false
    I am going one step at a time so please dn't mind my multiple queries.