• Issue on global search API(500)

    Hi Team, We are facing an issue with Globar search API, for C ontacts objects API working fine but the Teams object it's not working, let us know what are objects are supported by global search API. Or Do we have to enable any settings in the sugar…
  • REST API: The cloud instance is returning “500 Internal Server Error” when accessing the “/Employees GET” and “/Users GET” endpoints and specifying multiple fields via the “fields” URL parameter

    Only when accessing the “/Employees GET” and “/Users GET” endpoints and specifying almost all the available fields via the “fields” URL parameter, the server is responding with the “500 Internal Server Error”. No additional information is provided. …
  • On click of custom button , how can I call API ?

    Query : I have an API in Acconts/clients/base/api/mycustomAPI.php. On click of the button (custom button created) , it should call that API. Sugar CRM version used : 10.3 API url : My Code: (record.js) ({ extendsFrom:'RecordView…
  • Trying to upload a document via PUT, getting error request_too_large/ Error Message: File is too large

    Good afternoon, I'm trying to set up a PHP script to do an import of files into Sugar and I'm running into an issue when trying to use the /Documents/:document_id/file/:file_name endpoint. I'm sending over my base64 encoded string ('test') as the contents…
  • import data into relationship table

    following on from my last question, I have managed to generate a CSV of 635 records to go into my holokote - feature-key relationship table, this was easy to do with my local backup of my live cloud system. My question now is, is there anyway to import…
  • Using OAuth2.0 Swift authentication

    Hello All, I am developing an iOS application for crm. I am try to authentication using Oauth2.0. There are in bellow code. let oauthswift = OAuth2Swift ( consumerKey: client_id, consumerSecret: clientSecret, authorizeUrl: authURL, accessTokenUrl: accessURL…
  • REST V10 Report Data - Get display columns only in result

    I am using below API to get report data: /Reports/:id/records But I am getting full record set instead of display columns which chosen for that particular report during report creation using report module. reports rest api v10
  • Related Entity Search Filter

    How to search the related fields like Opportunities and Cases using the Account email without using the record ID in the API? For Example: POST https: //{domain_url}/rest/v10/Accounts/filter { "filter" : [ { "email_addresses.email_address" : { "$contains…
  • Getting all available modules in v10 REST API

    Is there any rest v10 API to retrieve available modules in v10 REST API version?