Add field in QLI within Quote detail/edit view

Hi All,

In latest 7.9.x version the Quote module is now a side car module before this was bwc module and we were able to add oob/custom fields in QLI within Quote detail/edit view

How to achieve it in version 7.9.x? Any help will be highly appreciable


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  • I was struggling to figure out how to extend it as well. Finally figured it out. Probably too late for you but if anyone else has the same question, this is how I did it:

    Create a new custom/modules/Products/clients/base/fields/quote-data-editablelistbutton/quote-data-editablelistbutton.js file with the following contents:

        extendsFrom: 'ProductsQuoteDataEditablelistbuttonField',
        initialize: function(options)
            this._super("initialize", [options]);

    This will extend the Products quote-data-editablelistbutton field and allow you to add custom functionality.