How to add module case in email template?

I need to create an email template, with information of cases, like case number, the subject and the description.

How can I add this information, since only the account modules, contacts / lead / targets and users, can it be added to the template?

Im using Sugar CE 6.5.22.


  • extend class in custom folder of email module. class CustomEmailTemplate extends EmailTemplate {  and copy the contents of EmailTemplate and add bean in  generateFieldDefsJS() function 

    $cases = BeanFactory::newBean('Cases');

    also add $loopControl 

    'Cases' => array(
    'Cases' => $cases,

    also add

    $prefixes = array(
    'cases' => 'cases_',

    similarly in Editview.php

  • extend class in custom folder of email module. class CustomEmailTemplate extends EmailTemplate {  and copy the contents of EmailTemplate and add bean in  generateFieldDefsJS() function 

    $cases = BeanFactory::newBean('Cases');

    also add $loopControl 

    'Cases' => array(
    'Cases' => $cases,

    also add

    $prefixes = array(
    'cases' => 'cases_',

    similarly in Editview.php
