Cases Recordview sometimes not rendering for one specific user

Without apparent pattern, one specific user (out of around 40 total) has been opening Case recordview to sometimes find that the entire "main pane" section, containing all fields as well as the edit button, have not been rendered in the browser. The entire section is collapsed to the space of 1 or 2 lines, with no content and a grey background, and the subpanels appear to still be rendered correctly underneath. There are no errors visible in the browser or JS console, and I don't see any relevant errors server side (unless I'm missing something). The only permissions set for this user is "None" on Case deletion. Hard refreshing, relogging, and clearing cookies all fail to fix the issue.

When I log into her browser with my account, the record is fine. She can then log back in and view the record as normal, but only after I view the case in her browser under my (admin) username.

A second user changed the status and assignment of the case, and the first user could then see the case correctly again.

Version is Enterprise,, on-premise.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Craig,

    Sometimes, some fields get hide from some users if they belong with some ACL Role. I also faced this issue for a particular user and this user was assigned with a particular Role.

    In Admin-> Role Management there are list of roles. If you have database access then is users tables there is a field "acl_role_set_id" . If you will set this field to "NULL" for this user hopefully the issue will resolve. 

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