Global Search return difference result in 2 nodes


I have problem with when I search in global search result from both node return different result

I have 2 nodes for server, both server using same elastics server.

It seem to happen with new record.

Do anyone has same issue ?

Please suggest me.

Sugar Pro



  • Hi Autchara Chaiprom,

    Do you have 2 databases for your instance, I mean something like master to master or master to slave replication?

    if so you may need to check fts_queue table in both the databases.

  • Thank you for your suggestion.

    I have master - master type but active one. 

    May I not telling you more deeper information when searching:

    when I search last created Account, it will shown up in node 1 but when search in node 2 not found.

    Seem to be both node calling in different server but should not because configuration totally same.

    I think problem might cause in somewhere in elasticsearch server but not sure right now. 

  • Hi 

    Elasticsearch server may not be the culprit as both the servers are using same elasticsearch server and from one server you are able to see the result. Make sure database replication works fine and check for the elasticsearch scheduler also.

  • Thank you for your reply.

    It's not a problem with a database because I can access a record from both node that why I point to elasticsearch. I proved by call api direct to elastic server not pass through Sugar api by using request path from Sugar, both server return different result.

    So I ask admin to check and he said that some inconsistent state of elasticsearch cluster, so he restart server and it work.

    He also said that my elasticsearch version(1.4.4) to old.