Imagine you're walking down a path and you come across a garden. There are trees and flowers, lush, green grass, butterflies are fluttering all around. It's beautiful. You are truly amazed and inspired at the sight of it, so much so, that you decide to start your own garden at home. You go to the store, you buy seeds and plants, all the tools you need - trowels, gloves, watering cans, you name it. You go home and plant your beautiful garden, just like the one you saw on your walk. It's just a matter of time now before you have your own butterflies fluttering.
A few weeks go by and you notice your new flowers have gone out of bloom, then a couple more weeks go by and you see a few weeds, then before you know it, all of your plants are brown and crispy. What happened?! Things were looking so good just a short time ago. Well, despite having all the tools at your disposal, you didn't use them consistently. You didn't put in the time and attention it takes to grow a beautiful garden like the one you saw on your walk.
Adoption is a lot like a garden. It takes care, planning, and attention to really grow. Successful adoption and change management comes from the combination of people, process, and technology. None of them can stand alone and find success. If we think back to the garden, you had all the tools (technology) but you didn't set a schedule to regularly water or weed (process). You didn't seek advice from a master gardener or enlist your spouse or children to help tend the plants (people). It takes all of these elements working together to successfully grow a garden and it takes all of these elements to find successful adoption.
Now more than ever, companies are looking to invest in tools and processes that help them work smarter, not harder, but that results in a lot of "new" for any single organization. That can be overwhelming and our nature is to revert back to old habits and ways of doing things. To help you put the pieces together and encourage successful adoption within your organization, we've created an adoption framework that helps you find success no matter where you are in your adoption journey. Adoption is an ongoing cause that you have to nurture for the long-haul if you are going to truly see it grow.