Sugar Market 21.18 is now Available!

Feature Enhancements

The following features have been deployed inSugar Market release 21.18.

  • More ways to automatically remove participants from Nurture Builder 2.0: The following have been added to automate the removal of participants from Nurture Builder 2.0 nurtures:  
    • New scoring action in scoring profiles. 
    • New contact/opportunity event listener action. 
  • Advanced search in Nurture Builder 2.0: Robust search capabilities have been added to Nurture Builder 2.0 to help you easily search and locate nurtures by a variety of criteria, such as location and date created. Use one or a combination of the advanced search criteria to quickly locate nurture campaigns. 
  • Added support for more calls-to-action within Email Builder 2.0 emails: 
    • Easily create "click to call" buttons and text with added support for phone numbers.
    • Images can now link to "email us" and "click to call" phone number functionality. 
  • Sync performance improvement: A performance improvement for syncing web activity has been implemented for SugarCRM and Sage implementations.

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported to SugarCRM have been resolved in this version of Sugar Market. Case portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue: 

  • Creating a new Webex event source produces an error. The New Source setup page has been updated to reflect Webex's deprecation of the Site ID and Partner ID fields.  
  • Making changes to a "Campaign Click-Through Score" setting in a scoring profile deletes the campaign click-through score. 
  • The "Email Report" option does not work for EU customers. 
  • Event attendee status is not pushing to CRM.


Sugar Market 21.18 Release Notes:


More information on the Sugar Market:

Sugar Market User Guide

Sugar Market Integration Guide

Sugar Market Release Notes