Sugar Market 25.2 has been released!

The Sugar Market 25.2 release includes the following enhancements:

Feature Enhancements

  • Redesigned user interface: Sugar Market's user interface has been redesigned with a clean and clear new feel.
    Note: If you experience any issues with the redesigned user interface, please clear your browser's cache and cookies.
    • Colorful and responsive navigation: The navigation bar now uses a striking color palette that responds to your cursor, helping you easily spot your next click.
    • Focused workspace: Your workspace is now front and center, with clean lines on a crisp blue background.
    • Universal interface: The user interface of Sugar Market and SugarCRM for SugarCloud now has a consistent look, making it easier to work across Sugar's product suite.
  • Improved help text for SugarCRM connection settings: The help text for the SugarCRM Instance URL field within the SugarCRM connection settings has been updated and improved.
  • Streamlined SugarIdentity user management: When selecting a user in a SugarIdentity enabled instance, you now have the option to "Deactivate via SugarIdentity" from the three-dots menu in the User list view toolbar.
  • Event session email customization: You can now set a unique subject line for each of your event session trigger email types.
  • Non-ASCII character support for from address: In email builder, you can now use non-ASCII characters in the From Address field.
    Note: Support for non-ASCII characters can vary by email provider.

Visit for Sugar Market documentationcurrent release notes, and past release notes.