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Contact Report For Follow Up

I am trying to create a report of contacts in our system that have not been contacted or worked with, in quite some time. Lets say 6 months.

I was hoping that when an email was sent, it would "modify" the contact and the report would be a simple matter of finding contacts whose records had not been modified but sending an email or adding to a quote doesnt seem to modify the contact record at all.

Ideally, these would be the customers that we have not emailed in 6 months or have not been a part of any quotes in that time. Essentially, they would not have been part of being a "Bill to" contact, a "ship to Contact" or an email in the past 6 months. 

Is there an easy way to build this? 


  • Hi Norm,

    I had created fields in Accounts and Contacts that looked for the last Email and last call using:

    maxRelatedDate($archived_emails,"date_sent") -and- maxRelatedDate($calls,"date_entered").

    But those fields required saving the contact or account record to do the update.

    I found a package on the Sugar Outfitters that does the function I needed. The add-on creates four fields (Last Activity, Last Email, Last Call, Last Meeting) in multiple modules.  I have Reports for Contacts and Accounts where the "Last Activity" filed is empty and where the date is older than 6 months.

    You may want to look at it.  They offer a "free" 30 day trial.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Thank you very much for the reply. I will definitely look into that, but I am not sure it is worth $700 a year to be able to run that report when it should be basic functionality of the system to find cold leads from past customers. 

    Its unbelievable to me that this report would not be basic functionality. I just don't understand the business logic. With 300 or so reports in the system, and most of them being able to determine whether or not sales is doing their job, you would think there would be more to assist sales in better doing their job.

  • Hi Norm,

    Yes, if the only need is to create one report the investment seems a bit high. We also use the fields in processes for Accounts, Contacts, Quotes, and Contracts.  It helps with existing customers and prospects.

    I wonder is a report could be created that includes the calculation of the maxRelatedDate without having a field in the contact record that's only updated when the contact record is saved?  I may "play" with that soon :-)

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • In my limited experience, reporting on what is NOT there is hard, if not impossible, straight out of reports unless you use Advanced Reports with a Query or write your own Scheduler to send a report by filtering through beans/code etc...

    Also, Emails are a very tricky beast in Sugar as they are not always related to the Contact that the address belongs to, there are implicit and explicit relationships:

    Email<->Contact relationship only exists when you compose the email from the Contact record.

    If you compose the email from the Cases module, for example, then the Email will be related to the Case and NOT the Contact, the relationships you can work with in this example are:


    Email<->Email Address<-> Contact

    Similarly if you compose an email from the Opportunity it will be related to the Opportunity NOT the Contact.

    So, leveraging the Contact/Email relationships will not catch everything and your most reliable measure of an email being sent is through the email addresses related to the Contact.

    Hence, the only way I can think of to get contacts that have not been emailed in a reliable way is a query that would look at all the emails sent in the last six months and their email addresses and then look for all contacts who don't have any email addresses related to those emails....

    This needs testing but what I think you need is and Advanced report with a query

    Group 1) Find all the contacts who received an email sent to any of  their related email addresses in the last 6mo

    select distinct( 
    from contacts as contacts_with_emails
    join email_addr_bean_rel eabr on = eabr.bean_id and eabr.bean_module = 'Contacts' and eabr.deleted = 0 /* look at the the contact's related email addressess ids*/
    where contacts_with_emails.deleted = 0
    	and eabr.email_address_id in 
    	(select eear.email_address_id 
    		from emails_email_addr_rel eear 
    		where date(eear.date_entered) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) /*emails logged in the last six months*/
            and eear.address_type != 'from' /* emails we sent as to the contact's address, cc, bcc but not emails received from the contact */ 

    Group 2) Find all the Contacts who had calls within the last 6mo

    select distinct(calls_contacts.contact_id)
    	from calls_contacts
    	where calls_contacts.deleted = 0 
    	and calls_contacts.date_modified >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) /*calls logged in the last six months*/

    Now put those together to get all your Contacts MINUS the ones that are in group 1 or 2

    select *
    from contacts
    join contacts_cstm on id = id_c
    where contacts.deleted = 0
    and not in 
    /* exclude the contacts who had calls*/
    	(select distinct(calls_contacts.contact_id)
    	from calls_contacts
    	where calls_contacts.deleted = 0 
    	and calls_contacts.date_modified >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) /*calls logged in the last six months*/
    and not in
    /* exclude the contacts who had emails */
    	(select distinct( 
    	from contacts as contacts_with_emails
    	join email_addr_bean_rel eabr on = eabr.bean_id and eabr.bean_module = 'Contacts' and eabr.deleted = 0 /* look at the the contact's related email addressess ids*/
    	where contacts_with_emails.deleted = 0
    		and eabr.email_address_id in 
    		(select eear.email_address_id 
    			from emails_email_addr_rel eear 
    			where date(eear.date_entered) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) /* emails in last six months */
    			and eear.address_type != 'from' /* emails we sent as to the contact's address, cc, bcc but not emails received from the contact */ 

    Note that these queries are not fully tested/verified so you will need to do some testing here.

    Also note that I'm reducing the number of table joins by making some somewhat-logical assumptions:

    1. that the relationship between the email address and the email itself (emails_email_addr_rel. date_entered) has the same date stamp and the date the email record was created (emails.date_entered) and it's not too far removed from the date the email was sent (emails.date_sent)
    2. that the date the relationship between the contact and the Call was created (calls_contacts.date_modified) is the same as the date the Call record was created (calls.date_entered) and not far from the date the call was held (calls.date_start)
    3. that if the call was logged, it was also actually held.

    If you don't like those assumptions you will need to join the emails and calls tables respectively change the criteria you use to determine emails sent and calls held.


  • Wow , I was going to play with this later but I see it is VERY complex... The does that for us with no custom coding.  I just search or filter on Last_Activity, Last_Email, Last_Call, or Last_Meeting :-)

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Nice! That add on is exactly what is needed and $700/year is not terrible considering the benefits.

    I see that they too go by implicit relationship on Emails, which is the ONLY reliable way:

    "including dynamically linked emails which display in a Target/Lead/Contact/Account subpanel based on the record's email address rather than a direct relationship link."

    Do you know if they also relate the activities from the Lead record when a Lead is converted to a Contact?


  • YES! It's based on the email address.

    The fields will automatically populate when the record is saved or a related activity record is updated/linked, with the newest date of the corresponding record type (Call, Meeting, and Task). The Last Activity field will calculate based on the latest of these fields to display the most recent activity of any type, including dynamically linked emails which display in a Target/Lead/Contact/Account subpanel based on the record's email address rather than a direct relationship link.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • That was an amazing and thorough response! I appreciate both you and Bud! I will review these further for sure! You are right Bud, the $700 is not bad. I am just often surprised when I find things that I would think everyone would need, are not already set up. 

    I also received a response from Sugar that there is a legacy workflow that might work as well. 

    Reports pull results based on field value evaluation. So in order for this to work, a value in a field of one of the modules, needs to be used in order to identify those records and return them. For example, if you have a field in Contact like "last emailed" or "last quoted", then that field could be used as a filter.

    A field that is forever updating when a last action takes place will need to be used. This is because Reports do not have a way to consider "time since" or "last action taken on", meaning a Contact that has been emailed several times will have a range of dates to consider. The report will return a result if any result is found that matches the filter, but does not consider if that is a "last time this occurred" action.

    So if we work backwards, knowing that the end result needs to be a field & value, we can take a look at setting up a automation like a Process Definition or a Workflow, that makes a change to a field, which in turn will be used to identify those records and pull them into a report.

    Thankfully, we have a guide for Legacy Workflows and this will hopefully provide a solution for you. Let me know how this works out and if there are any issues or questions along the way.

    Capturing a Record's Last Activity Date Using Legacy Workflows:

  • Hi Norm,

    Yes, I recall that the legacy workflow had that capability (the ability to trigger when a value changed).  I abandoned the legacy workflow when BPM arrived and Sugar said that the legacy workflow was going away.  It didn't go away :-)

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi Norm,

    We’re currently developing a new feature that addresses a similar need. Initially, it will operate based on a set of predefined rules, but as we continue to roll it out and refine it, it will become more configurable. We'll start by focusing on accounts and in the future plan to extend it to other modules, including contacts. The feature will track the most recent interactions with each account, providing valuable insights for follow-up and reporting.