Contact Report For Follow Up

I am trying to create a report of contacts in our system that have not been contacted or worked with, in quite some time. Lets say 6 months.

I was hoping that when an email was sent, it would "modify" the contact and the report would be a simple matter of finding contacts whose records had not been modified but sending an email or adding to a quote doesnt seem to modify the contact record at all.

Ideally, these would be the customers that we have not emailed in 6 months or have not been a part of any quotes in that time. Essentially, they would not have been part of being a "Bill to" contact, a "ship to Contact" or an email in the past 6 months. 

Is there an easy way to build this? 


  • Hi Norm,

    We’re currently developing a new feature that addresses a similar need. Initially, it will operate based on a set of predefined rules, but as we continue to roll it out and refine it, it will become more configurable. We'll start by focusing on accounts and in the future plan to extend it to other modules, including contacts. The feature will track the most recent interactions with each account, providing valuable insights for follow-up and reporting.

  • Hi Norm,

    We’re currently developing a new feature that addresses a similar need. Initially, it will operate based on a set of predefined rules, but as we continue to roll it out and refine it, it will become more configurable. We'll start by focusing on accounts and in the future plan to extend it to other modules, including contacts. The feature will track the most recent interactions with each account, providing valuable insights for follow-up and reporting.
