Contact Report For Follow Up

I am trying to create a report of contacts in our system that have not been contacted or worked with, in quite some time. Lets say 6 months.

I was hoping that when an email was sent, it would "modify" the contact and the report would be a simple matter of finding contacts whose records had not been modified but sending an email or adding to a quote doesnt seem to modify the contact record at all.

Ideally, these would be the customers that we have not emailed in 6 months or have not been a part of any quotes in that time. Essentially, they would not have been part of being a "Bill to" contact, a "ship to Contact" or an email in the past 6 months. 

Is there an easy way to build this? 


  • Hi Norm,

    I had created fields in Accounts and Contacts that looked for the last Email and last call using:

    maxRelatedDate($archived_emails,"date_sent") -and- maxRelatedDate($calls,"date_entered").

    But those fields required saving the contact or account record to do the update.

    I found a package on the Sugar Outfitters that does the function I needed. The add-on creates four fields (Last Activity, Last Email, Last Call, Last Meeting) in multiple modules.  I have Reports for Contacts and Accounts where the "Last Activity" filed is empty and where the date is older than 6 months.

    You may want to look at it.  They offer a "free" 30 day trial.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)