How Can I Collect a "Lost Reason" as a requirement when an Opp is marked "Closed Lost"?


I am using the out of the box sales stage, "closed lost". Can anyone give me some pointers on using a Process to force reps to choose a "closed lost reason" just before or right after marking an opportunity as lost? Lost Reason already exists as a pick list field that we have added to all opportunities.

I have unsuccessfully tried to design a process, and any real world tips would be wonderful! Thanks!

  • Like  we added a field that is conditional the sales stage being Lost.

    We actually have two fields: A dropdown for easy reporting (loss_reason_code_c) with things like "Use of Competing Products", "Perceived Lack of Value", "Lack of Product Capabilities" etc... and a text field for further details.

    We created a custom dependency that makes the loss_reason_code_c required, in 


    $dependencies['Opportunities']['reason_code_required'] = array(
        'hooks' => array("edit"),
        'triggerFields' => array('sales_stage'),
        'onload' => true,
        'actions' => array(
                'name' => 'SetRequired',
                'params' => array(
                    'target' => 'loss_reason_code_c',
                    'label' => 'loss_reason_code_c_label',
                    'value' => 'equal($sales_stage, "Lost")' //Set required if the sales stage is closed lost


  • Hi,

    we also use a custom field for "Loss Reason" on Opportunity. The problem we have is related to the use of RLI.

    If we Close Lost a RLI, and Sugar updates the parent Opp as well, it is not requiring to fill in the Loss Reason field at Opp level.

    It should be smart enough to check parent dependencies before saving child record.

    Fixing this type of problem is too time consuming with custom code, and I believe the system should handle it correctly. As it is now, it seems that they've thought about just half of the topic Cry

  • This seems odd, I have not worked with RLIs (yet), but wouldn't you have multiple RLIs on one Opportunity?
    Why would losing one cause you to lose the whole opportunity? I would think you could loose one but still have others with good potential, or even won, on the Opportunity,

  • You're right, but if you close lost all the RLI (even the only one)  in an opportunity, the opp is set to Lost automatically, without considering the dependency with the field Lost reason.

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