DocMerge - Quotes module - How to handle comment line with quoted line items


I am wondering how to handle Quotes template using DocMerge.

On the definition screen, you can organize your quote details with group (bundle), quoted line items and comments.

My problem is that I don't know how to manage the comments and display them in the correct position according to the quote definition.

Any sample template is welcome.


Parents Reply
  • Working with the above copy

    After copying the text from the above comment into Word, I manually rewrote the line: {/product_bundle_items}.

    Once I made the change and uploaded it as a Document Template, it worked without any issues.

    Copying and pasting from different systems can be tricky since various applications might add their own formatting, which Word can interpret unpredictably. It seems there was something subtle about that specific line in this version that caused the "Invalid closing tag on #product_bundle_items" error.

    An alternate copy to try

    Copying and pasting the below version might work without requiring any editing:

    Quote Name: {name}

    {#product_bundles sort='position:asc'}
    Bundle Name: {name}

    {#product_bundle_items limit='-1'}
    {if (_module=='ProductBundleNotes')}
    Comment: {description}
    Line Item: {name}
    Line item price: {discount_price}


    Doing this in a table

    Quote Name: {name}
    {#product_bundles sort='position:asc'}
    Bundle Name: {name}

    Quantity Service/Product Unit Price Total

    {#product_bundle_items limit='-1'}{if (_module=='ProductBundleNotes')}{else}{quantity}{endif}

    {if (_module=='ProductBundleNotes')}{description}{else}{name}{endif} {if (_module=='ProductBundleNotes')}{else}{discount_price}{endif} {if (_module=='ProductBundleNotes')}{else}{total_amount}{endif}{/product_bundle_items}


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