Reports - forecast vs target


Do you know is it possible to set up targets for dashboards in SugarCRM - e.g. target for Month A is 10,000 USD revenue and the dashlet will show how far we are to reach the target? 

I am looking to set up individual targets as well as group sales targets.

Thank you!

  • Hi Ada, 
    Sometimes what we'll do in some of our customer systems where a bespoke KPI or Target must be reached is create a new dropdown field in the module that needs to be evaluated for targets (values: Actual + Target). Set the default value to "Actual".

    Then we'll create some records where this filed = Target. These records will be users monthly targets, let's. say.

    Then I'll create a summation report and group the results by the user and then by this new field.

    The result is a grouped bar chart where each bar is a user, segmented by their target vs actual.

    Using this method, it means that we're able to create targets in any module in Sugar. The only downside is that there could be quite a lot of 'tagret' records to import, depending on how you want to evaluate some users targets.

    Thanks, James - SUGABYTE

  • Target is an objective amount of money and/or quantity - a total - per User/Team and/or Product type depending on the planning model company uses

    For KPIs the Target is to be compared with current sales results calculated on the basis of sales data - Opps won, Quotes closed or whatever is used to manage sales and differentiate ongoing sales from the ones that has fulfilled the target

    So Targets and Current sales results are not physically related with relationship and shouldn't be related forcefully due to their different nature: Targets are aggregates (target valued) and sales are detail data (Opps, Quotes, etc) - they are compared visually in a friendly readable diagram

    At the same time, Sugar regular Reporting engine allows to build reports on some module (e.g. Opps, Quotes, etc) and filter on that module fields along with related to that module data only - it means that non-correlated data like Targets and Opps couldn't be added into the same report simultaneously and visualized with report chart

    Am I missing something?

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi Dmytro, I'm not sure if you're missing something.

    If you have opportunities where type = Target, you can 'simulate' target data and report on the Count, or the value.

    For example, if you import 12 x opportunities where type = Target, assigned to Jim where each record for each month has a value of £10,000. Each of the 12 records would have an expected close date of

    ....and so on...

    If you then build a summation report,
    Filter = Jim's Opps
    group by  = Month Exp Clode date, then "Target vs Actual" field

    The end result will be a bar chart, with 24 bars (2 per month, grouped in that month) where one bar show's his Target for that month, and the other shows his 'actual'.

    As I said before, if you ensure that this new field: "Target vs Actual" defaults to "Actual", then each opp that a person created will be "Actual". The only "Targets" are imported (almost like simulated data).

    This does mean that all other reporting in that module needs to filter out the target records.

    It's just a primitive way of introducing Targets with no code development. Just a new field and some imports.

  • Hi James - thank you for details - so if I get it right the idea is to put both sales and targets into the same module of e.g.Ops and differentiate them by type for getting two seria of data - target and actual - from the single source and therefore allow Reports to display them in a chart.

    I wonder whether putting two really different business objects - Targets and Sales -  into the same module of Opps is OK architecturally due to the risks that mixing two business objects  may/will bring to the business model that CRM automates.

    However that is really beneficial how Sugar flexibility allows to apply workarounds, and I'd agree that implemening the idea may bring a quick relef in/for a short term

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi James - thank you for details - so if I get it right the idea is to put both sales and targets into the same module of e.g.Ops and differentiate them by type for getting two seria of data - target and actual - from the single source and therefore allow Reports to display them in a chart.

    I wonder whether putting two really different business objects - Targets and Sales -  into the same module of Opps is OK architecturally due to the risks that mixing two business objects  may/will bring to the business model that CRM automates.

    However that is really beneficial how Sugar flexibility allows to apply workarounds, and I'd agree that implemening the idea may bring a quick relef in/for a short term

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient
