Display data from another module in record view


I am on Opportunity module record view, which is already linked to an account, but only account_id and account_name gets fetched by default. Can we by any chance make it to fetch some extra fields from account module?

So, that i am not calling a separate and extra api just to fetch some other details from related account module.

The simple ask is to show some extra fields from accounts module on to the Opportunity record view.

I have tried related field formula, it works for the first time load but on edit and save of the record, the data fetched from the accounts gets wiped off. 

  • Yes, List View Dashlet was an option, but the client wants the information right in the record view. 

    Can you tell me if it is possible with populate_list or related field array in the record.php?

    Or is there any other better solution?, can i fetch extra fields of accounts via the relationship?

  • For what it's worth, I would go with 's suggestion and use the dashlet.
    By using the dashlet view you give them all the information they want right on the page without compromising your record view. You can even create a custom dashlet if you want to show only the necessary information for that particular requirement.

    I have issues with my users wanting everything on every page, but giving in to that means higher maintenance, much more testing when upgrades happen, and a slower system not to mention that it can lead to problems down the road as changes in one module now closely affect what you are displaying in the other.

    It is my opinion that Sugar's flexibility is a dangerous two-edged sword, and sometimes just because you can, doesn't mean you should.... as application administrators and developers it is sometimes our job to just say "no".

    Having said all that, if you are adamant that you have to show all that information on the record, you could use a non-db read-only text field just to display it without saving the additional data to the opportunity record.

  • For what it's worth, I would go with 's suggestion and use the dashlet.
    By using the dashlet view you give them all the information they want right on the page without compromising your record view. You can even create a custom dashlet if you want to show only the necessary information for that particular requirement.

    I have issues with my users wanting everything on every page, but giving in to that means higher maintenance, much more testing when upgrades happen, and a slower system not to mention that it can lead to problems down the road as changes in one module now closely affect what you are displaying in the other.

    It is my opinion that Sugar's flexibility is a dangerous two-edged sword, and sometimes just because you can, doesn't mean you should.... as application administrators and developers it is sometimes our job to just say "no".

    Having said all that, if you are adamant that you have to show all that information on the record, you could use a non-db read-only text field just to display it without saving the additional data to the opportunity record.

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