Calculated Fields Populating Date depending on Type


Trying to populate a date of when a type of Meeting was booked in. 

Need to do a calculated field based on the Meeting Type then populate the date in the related Module. 

Hopefully someone can help! 

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  • Check the syntax, the formulas can be a bit tricky and it's hard for us to test since we don't have your custom fields, I think the two conditions have to be tested separately and put into an and statement.

    ifElse(and(equal(related($meetings,"meeting_type_c"), "assessment"),equal(related($meetings,"date_start"),date())))

    My corrections may still not work, and you might need to put some effort into finding what is wrong.

    At its basic André's solution shows you how to reference fields in related modules. Which is the first clue to achieve what you need.

    There is some guidance here to help you structure it but 
