Adding contacts to a target list - only single selection available


I wanted to raise a question/issue that has frustrated one of my SugarCRM clients.

In a Target List, you can "Link Existing Records" to the list.

When we link Leads, Targets, Users or Accounts, we get CHECKBOXES, where you can select multiple records to add. This is good.

But when you link Contacts you get a RADIO buttons, and can only add one record at a time. This is frustrating.

The work-around has been to select Contacts from the Contact Module record list, then "Add To Target List". This way we can select multiple Contacts at once.

My question - Is there a setting or way we can get CHECKBOXes in to show for Contacts when "Linking An Existing Record" from a Target List?

It's an On-Demand deployment, version

Thanks in advance,


Parents Reply Children
  • ProspectLists is the real module behind the module label Target List.

    Definitely something has changed.

    According to my research it seems the panel-top-for-prospectlists for Contacts has been customized the way the button 'select_button' has a new type instead of 'link-action'. The button type 'link-action' (defined at clients/base/fields/link-action) implements the layout 'multi-selection-list-link' where you can select several records from rendered list, but somehow it has changed for Contacts subpanel under ProspecLists.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada