Customer Journey plug-in question

Hi I am currently in the process of evaluating the customer journey plug-in. Has anyone applied it to their Sales Playbook?

  • Hello Melissa, 

    The Customer Journey Plug-in is actually quite versatile in it's CRM applications. Think of it as a process visualizer catering to your business rules/best practices. I've attached a screenshot that supports CRM user adoption particularly for Account Management. 

    Here we have an on-boarding journey on the accounts module walking the assign sales rep to the particular account step by step on how to manage this account. Of course, depending on your business rules, this journey can be manipulated to fit your needs.

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks for the reply Adi. Can you help me understand how these tasks get executed?

    As in, are they automated or do I manually change their colors (based on completion I'm assuming)?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Melissa Neff

    These tasks can be updated manually or better yet for Sugar Enterprise users, the Customer Journey Plug-in works seamlessly with Advanced Workflow in automating simple to complex actions depending on Journey.

  • Hello Melissa Neff,

    The activities under a stage in a journey represent calls, meetings, and tasks in their corresponding modules in Sugar. When a  user activates a new journey, the plug-in creates these records in Sugar's Calls, Meetings, and Tasks modules to represent each activity in the journey.

    Users can manually complete a journey's call, meeting, or task in the customer journey panel or via traditional means in Sugar, or the administrator may include activities that are completely automated within the system via Advanced Workflow. Regardless of the means, it's the activity's status that is color-coded in the customer journey. 

    For more information on executing the various activity types, please refer to the Completing Journey Activities section of the Customer Journey User Guide.

    Best of Luck


  • We are currently implementing the Customer Journey Plugin for one of our sales departments that has a very specific workflow.

    What version of Sugar are you on? If you are on Enterprise or Ultimate, you can build workflows that will work with your Customer Journey Tasks perfectly. That automation isn't automatically built but can be incorporated--even if you decide not to use the automation, the plugin is still beneficial for creating consistency in your sales playbook across all your sales reps. It also gives management insight into rep activities and workload, because you can report on the customer journey plugin module.

  • Hi Melissa,

    As Katie mentions, if your using Sugar Enterprise or Ultimate, you will want to consider enhancing the Customer Journey Plugin with Advanced Workflow. However, if you're using Sugar Pro, you probably know that you're about to lose the Legacy Workflow. Our Advanced Workflow module, Process Manager from SierraCRM, can fully replace Legacy Workflow and has just about every feature that Advanced Workflow has. As you have learned in this thread, the Custom Journey Plugin is an awesome tool that will help guide your employees through their sales process. But what it can't do is something as simple as run an hourly process to find all at risk Opportunities in which a specific Task created by the Customer Journey Plugin has not been completed and could jeopardize the sale. Process Manager is designed to do process automation such that it augments the plugin and keeps your sales managers headaches to a minimum.

    We offer a free 30 day trial if interested.


    Bill Convis

    CTO SierraCRM