Outlook Claiming to Archive All Sent Messages


We have a user that every email they send outlook thinks it is archiving to Sugar. It puts the flag on everything! The ones that are getting manually archived like the normal process also show the flag and are able to be found in Sugar. The other ones that outlook thinks was archived are no where to be found in sugar. Any thoughts? It's outlook 2013.

  • Jaqi,

    I recommend that you review the user's Outlook Plugin settings to see what settings are in use.  You can do this by opening up the user's Outlook and click on the Addins tab.  From there, select "SugarCRM Plugin Settings" and see if there are any settings checked that will sync or mark to sync automatically.

    You can use this guide for reference as to what each setting means.  Specifically look for "Enable auto-archive checkbox by default" and any other tabs for Contacts, Appointments, and Tasks that mark the records to sync upon save.

    You can also compare this user's settings with other user's settings who are not experiencing this issue. 

    Hope this helps.


  • I also want to add that if you want to manually remove the emails from sync, you can sort by category.  When an Outlook item is marked to sync, it will be attributed the "SugarCRM" category.  You should be able to sort by the SugarCRM category and delete the category from the emails/contacts/etc.

    Hope this helps,


  • Have definitely looked at this. Nothing for auto-archiving is checked. Same settings as the user she is sitting next to. 

  • Jaqi,

    You may want to see if manually removing the Outlook Plugin and reinstalling it resolves this issue.  You can  follow the steps to manually remove the Outlook Plugin here.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks. Unfortunately that also did not help. Is there a way to tell in Outlook where exactly something was archived and what was archived? I have a feeling these emails may not actually being archived and the flag is just happening. I can't find them anywhere. So frustrating...

  • Jaqi,

    I do not see a way to tell within Outlook which record the email was archived to in Sugar.  If this is occurring automatically, then I would search Sugar for any record that matches the email addresses that are in the email.  

    One method that you can use to search emails in Sugar is to grab the subject of an email in Outlook that has been archived, then go to Sugar and follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Emails module
    2. In the "Folders" window, click the magnifying glass.
    3. Paste the subject in the "Subject" field.
    4. Click on "More" to expand the search criteria.
    5. Remove your user from the "Assigned To" field.
    6. Click the "Search" button.
    7. Open the email that appears in the search results window. (If the email is NOT archived, then you will not see any results)
    8. Click "View Relationships".
    9. Scroll down to view the related subpanels and to see which record the email is related to.

    Hope this helps.


  • Jaqi,

    I do not see a way to tell within Outlook which record the email was archived to in Sugar.  If this is occurring automatically, then I would search Sugar for any record that matches the email addresses that are in the email.  

    One method that you can use to search emails in Sugar is to grab the subject of an email in Outlook that has been archived, then go to Sugar and follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Emails module
    2. In the "Folders" window, click the magnifying glass.
    3. Paste the subject in the "Subject" field.
    4. Click on "More" to expand the search criteria.
    5. Remove your user from the "Assigned To" field.
    6. Click the "Search" button.
    7. Open the email that appears in the search results window. (If the email is NOT archived, then you will not see any results)
    8. Click "View Relationships".
    9. Scroll down to view the related subpanels and to see which record the email is related to.

    Hope this helps.


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