SugarCRM - Outlook 2013 - Freezing

Some of our employees encounter Outlook freezing and eventually crashing if they attempt to close it.

If we leave outlook for a long period of time (About an hour) the following message pops up on screen.

After clicking OK, outlook starts to function again.

Has anyone had similar experience with this?

I've found this thread, but no answer has been provided.

Parents Reply
  • Hello Simon,

    While users may be online and have a strong internet connection in general, that doesn't mean that all connections will be strong. They may connect just fine to 99% of sites but due to the server, may experience a hiccup. By unchecking that option, it isn't making as many calls to the server which will in turn result in less of a chance of server connection errors. Your server may very well be throttling the connection resulting in the errors in the log and ultimately the plugin freezing.

    Kind Regards,

    Jason Smith

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