Emails with "new smiley" (emoji) not archived - error

Hi guys.

The new smiley´s in Outlook (this is from the Sugarlog):

is causing an error in the Sugarlog when emails with it are being archived. Here is the error:

Mon May 15 09:56:47 2017 [23649][record number][FATAL] Error inserting into table: emails_text: Query Failed: INSERT INTO emails_text 

Seems like the new smiley is causing illegal character or something. So, is this a known error or should I just create a support ticket?



Parents Reply
  • Hi André Lopes

    Fri May 19 21:20:48 2017 [3947][c301647c-8726-423c-aadb-56d9c8ba7b8f][FATAL] Error inserting into table: emails_text: Query Failed: INSERT INTO emails_text (email_id,from_addr,reply_to_addr,to_addrs,cc_addrs,bcc_addrs,description,description_html,raw_source,deleted)
    VALUES ('07525aca-3cd9-11e7-8ad1-00505696154c','EMAIL_ADDRESS',NULL,'EMAIL_ADDRESS',NULL,NULL,'  \r\n','<div class=\"WordSection1\"><p class=\"MsoNormal\"><span style=\"font-family:\'Segoe UI Emoji\', sans-serif;\">  </span></p><p></p></div>',NULL,0): MySQL error 1366: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A\x0D\x0A' for column 'description' at row 1

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