Emails with "new smiley" (emoji) not archived - error

Hi guys.

The new smiley´s in Outlook (this is from the Sugarlog):

is causing an error in the Sugarlog when emails with it are being archived. Here is the error:

Mon May 15 09:56:47 2017 [23649][record number][FATAL] Error inserting into table: emails_text: Query Failed: INSERT INTO emails_text 

Seems like the new smiley is causing illegal character or something. So, is this a known error or should I just create a support ticket?



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi André Lopes

    Fri May 19 21:20:48 2017 [3947][c301647c-8726-423c-aadb-56d9c8ba7b8f][FATAL] Error inserting into table: emails_text: Query Failed: INSERT INTO emails_text (email_id,from_addr,reply_to_addr,to_addrs,cc_addrs,bcc_addrs,description,description_html,raw_source,deleted)
    VALUES ('07525aca-3cd9-11e7-8ad1-00505696154c','EMAIL_ADDRESS',NULL,'EMAIL_ADDRESS',NULL,NULL,'  \r\n','<div class=\"WordSection1\"><p class=\"MsoNormal\"><span style=\"font-family:\'Segoe UI Emoji\', sans-serif;\">  </span></p><p></p></div>',NULL,0): MySQL error 1366: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A\x0D\x0A' for column 'description' at row 1

  • Hello Kristjan Geir Mathiesen,

    Basically 'utf8_general_ci' collation do not support this type of special characters and throws Incorrect string value error in sql query execution.  You can resolve this issue by changing the field collation to "utf8mb4_general_ci" .

    Please execute below query in your database and check.

    ALTER TABLE `emails_text` CHANGE `description_html` `description_html` LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;

    Hope this will helps you.