"Invalid file extension" error when installing previously-working module


I have had a number of problems installing updates to modules I have created. The error message I get from the "Module Loader" is:

Scanning Package

Installation failed!

The package you are attempting to install does not conform to the policies established within the Sugar Open Cloud or by your system administrator.

  • Sugar Open Cloud customers must obtain a new package from the package provider that addresses the issues described below.
  • If you are running Sugar locally, you can relax your Module Loader restrictions to allow the package to be installed.

Package Scan Policy Guide

File Issues

Invalid file extension

The odd thing is that I have successfully managed to install this version of the module before - I'm not sure what I've done but I cannot install my new module version or the version that was installed before I made my changes.

Can anyone help please?



Parents Reply
  • Hi Nick,

    I meant to say can you please check the package you are trying to upload.

    If you are trying to upload a zip file using Sugar module loader tool, then just unzip the package and check if that temp file is available under the specified directory. If so, please check the contents of the file if valid. If not, you can simply remove it (take backup) and zip back the directory and try to upload again.


  • Thanks for clarifying! Sorry I'm not sure what I'm doing, I've been making all of my modifications through the Module Builder.

    In the zip file, there is a "SugarModules/Language/Application" folder, but the temp file/folder mentioned definitely doesn't exist. I'm happy to share the exported/published module if that might help?

    Many thanks for your continued responsiveness!


  • Hi Nick,

    Sure you can share the package here if it is not confidential and okay to share publicly. I can have a look.

    Also, please let us know your sugar version as well.

  • Hello,

    We are on "SugarCRM Professional, Version 8.3.0 (Build 149) (Winter '19)"

    Hopefully this link will work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e0fccrm0numrvdi/TrackManagement22019_02_11_122608.zip?dl=0

    Many thanks


  • Hi Nick,

    Thanks for sharing the package. I installed it in my fresh sugar instance and it worked fine. Though the version I tested with is different with what you have. I have just re-zipped the package and sharing here with you. Please try this and let us know if this works.

    Dropbox - TrackManagement22019_02_11_122608.zip 


  • Thanks for doing that. I tried to upload and publish it and the log I get looks like:


    Installing Language Packs
    Rebuilding Language...en_us
    Rebuilding Language...bg_BG
    Rebuilding Language...cs_CZ
    Rebuilding Language...da_DK
    Rebuilding Language...de_DE
    Rebuilding Language...es_ES
    Rebuilding Language...et_EE
    Rebuilding Language...fr_FR
    Rebuilding Language...he_IL
    Rebuilding Language...hu_HU
    Rebuilding Language...it_it
    Rebuilding Language...lt_LT
    Rebuilding Language...ja_JP
    Rebuilding Language...nb_NO
    Rebuilding Language...nl_NL
    Rebuilding Language...pl_PL
    Rebuilding Language...pt_PT
    Rebuilding Language...ro_RO
    Rebuilding Language...ru_RU
    Rebuilding Language...sv_SE
    Rebuilding Language...tr_TR
    Rebuilding Language...zh_CN
    Rebuilding Language...pt_br
    Rebuilding Language...ca_ES
    Rebuilding Language...en_UK
    Rebuilding Language...sr_RS
    Rebuilding Language...lv_LV
    Rebuilding Language...pt_BR
    Rebuilding Language...el_EL
    Rebuilding Language...ko_KR
    Rebuilding Language...sk_SK
    Rebuilding Language...sq_AL
    Rebuilding Language...es_LA
    Rebuilding Language...fi_FI
    Rebuilding Language...ar_SA
    Rebuilding Language...uk_UA
    Rebuilding Language...zh_TW
    Rebuilding Language...hr_HR
    Rebuilding Language...th_TH
    Installing layoutdefs extension
    Installing vardefs extension
    Installing wireless_subpanels extension
    Installing sidecar extension
    Rebuilding ActionViewMap...
    Rebuilding ActionFileMap...
    Rebuilding ActionReMap...
    Rebuilding Administration...
    Rebuilding Dependencies...
    Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry...
    Rebuilding Extensions...
    Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap...
    Rebuilding Layoutdefs...
    Rebuilding GlobalLinks...
    Rebuilding LogicHooks...
    Rebuilding TinyMCE...
    Rebuilding Menus...
    Rebuilding Include...
    Rebuilding ScheduledTasks...
    Rebuilding ScheduledTasks...
    Rebuilding UserPage...
    Rebuilding Utils...
    Rebuilding Vardefs...
    Rebuilding JSGroupings...
    Rebuilding WirelessModuleRegistry...
    Rebuilding WirelessLayoutdefs...
    Rebuilding TableDictionary...
    Rebuilding metadata for clients...
    Rebuilding Console...
    Rebuilding Platforms...
    Installing Images
    Installing Relationships
    Rebuilding Vardefs...
    Rebuilding Layoutdefs...
    Rebuilding TableDictionary...
  • Hi Nicholas Harrison,

    You may need to check the sugar logs to find out the exact error.

    • Navigate to Admin > System Settings.
    • Scroll down to the Logger Settings section.
    • Click "View Log".
    • In order to see all of the current logging file, click "All"

    Let us know what does logs capture.
