How to set default email client on users


Is there a way in the GUI to change the default email client for all users created from now on?

By default, it's Sugar:

but I need it to be "External Email Client"



Parents Reply
  • Kristjan,

    Unfortunately, there is no method within the UI that will enable you to set the default External Email Client setting for all users upon user creation.  You will need to manually set this for each user when the user is created.

    I do not see an existing feature request for this, would you like me to request it for you?  Otherwise, on the bottom right section of your SugarCRM instance, within the footer section, there should be a feedback option that you can use to submit your feedback to our Product Management team.

    Outside that, the only option is to create code-level customizations to meet this business need.

    Kind Regards,

    Lori Arce
