Is there a limit to the amount of customer data or records you can store in Community Edition

In response to @parseclabs on Twitter:

@SugarSupport Quick question for you - is there a limit to the amount of customer data or records you can store in the community edition?
  • Hello,

    The only real limit of the application is set by your server. If you have the storage, memory, processing capability, caching, etc. available on your server, in theory, the application should be able to handle that. Now it may result in some performance decreases but it could be overcome through configuration changes on the server or within the software itself. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Jason Smith
  • Hello,

    The only real limit of the application is set by your server. If you have the storage, memory, processing capability, caching, etc. available on your server, in theory, the application should be able to handle that. Now it may result in some performance decreases but it could be overcome through configuration changes on the server or within the software itself. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Jason Smith
No Data