• PMSE and Scheduler Task Clash

    Hi All, I hope you guys can help on this one! How to void clash between pmse with scheduler task , when both are changing the same record.The strange behaviour only save the PMSE data not the Scheduler Task , we only know this 'cos the we can see…
  • BPM - Use custom variables that will be calculated and replaced before the email is sent

    Hi guys, before go deeper in the code and do it maybe not the best way, I want to know if one of you face my problem and maybe solved it. I want to send an email using the BPM from my record A (for instance an Opportunity). In this email, I would…
  • SugarBPM Business Rules - Enhance the display for dropdown selection in a proper way ?

    Hello, we are probably not the only one to facing the issues with SugarBPM Business Rules screen when you are manipulating dropdown with "long" label. As you can see on the screen shot bellow, the selected record AND the dropdown element picker…
  • PMSE Inbox: Extend Search for CAS Title

    Dear Sugar Experts, I have the problem that the search function in the module Processes (psme_inbox) is not sufficient for us, because we cannot search for the names of the entries belonging to the process number. Example: The search works only if I…
  • Is it possible to add a link of the corresponding Sugar BPM process to a process email template?

    Hello, we would like to notify users on new processes by email and allow them to directly jump into the process. Right now we can only link them to their dashboard/process list and have them click through the view. So right now i do not see a way…
  • Adding a <script> to Email Template

    Hi all. I am having trouble getting a <script> to appear and work in an email template. This is a simple pmse_Emails_Templates template, but when I add the script in, it just simply does not work. I am trying to follow the examples on https://support…
  • How to create a custom PMSE action with the possibility to set a parameter

    Hello, I want to know if someone know "How to create a custom PMSE action with the possibility to set a parameter" in Sugar. We went through this documentation : https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_9.0/Architecture…