• I want to have alert notification on logic hook.

    I have gone through many questions and posts but i didn't find the solution for sugar 10.3 (Enterprise Edition) class save_customer { /* *$bean : *$event : *$arguments : */ function save_customer($bean, $event, $arguments) { //Check If Customer ID…
  • making a request on Sugar Portal

    I'm trying to make a request from sugar portal from a custom field controller to retrieve a record of Od_One_Drive module but it throws me an status 404, I check it out and it does exist, I change permissions of this module but it's the same, do I have…
  • add company name to Contacts results when adding a new relationship o type One to Many.

    When adding a relationship between Module X and Contacts we see only Fullname, in several cases multiple contacts share the same name. I would like to customize these results that it would show also a custom field next to the fullname. I have modified…
  • How to get a field auto populate from another module's (from subpanel view) field on create view?

    I need to get a field from a module and set the value of this field on the name field when I'm creating a new record. For example, in a custom module, we have a field called "work product", when we are creating a new record in subpanel module we want…
  • Is there a way to customize the AlertView Controller?

    Hello folks, does someone know a way to extend the alert view controller? There is already a registered bug regarding this issue: https://portal.sugarondemand.com/index.php#supp_Bugs/bf747ba0-04db-11e7-9c6a-d4bed9b70c64 Taking a look at the code …
  • h

  • Print files from list view of Module and Subpanel

    How to add print file button in Action menu of record.? When the user selects records in the list view (module) or is viewing the records in the subpanel, clicking on the Print Files button will cause the files in those records to mass print. (Makes…
  • getting duplicate session storage in sugacrm

    Hello Team, I'm creating a plugin for a custom requirement, and for this, I need unique session storage(let's say tabID) on each tab. but session storage is behaving very strange with SugarCRM while in normal Html is it behaving correctly. For example…