• For API customization in SugarCRM

    Dear All, I want to customized Some input received in Sugar by Default API . How can I customized if ? And Also share the path of default API in SugarCRM used. For Example :- I have share a case crate API with portal user and I received regularly in…
  • How to Menu name display after successful module deployment

    Hi, I have created a new custom module. After a successful deployment, navigate to "Navigation Bar and Subpanels" where I need to manually move it from "Hidden" to "Display." However, I want it to be displayed automatically after a successful deployment…
  • Dynamic value set via Ajax in Accounts/Any modules in create page, But If click save button automatically got erased.

    $("input[name=name]").val('test'); when applying the value using Jquery. then after clicking the save button value is automatically erased and throws the required error message.
  • Add JS API call to menu.

    Hi, I have a sugar API endpoint (GET) that pulls a processed set of meetings records as CSV - using date parameters. I can call this using the standard sugar password grant type from an external client. However, I would also like to integrate this into…
  • I want to have alert notification on logic hook.

    I have gone through many questions and posts but i didn't find the solution for sugar 10.3 (Enterprise Edition) class save_customer { /* *$bean : *$event : *$arguments : */ function save_customer($bean, $event, $arguments) { //Check If Customer ID…
  • How to get a field auto populate from another module's (from subpanel view) field on create view?

    I need to get a field from a module and set the value of this field on the name field when I'm creating a new record. For example, in a custom module, we have a field called "work product", when we are creating a new record in subpanel module we want…
  • h

  • Print files from list view of Module and Subpanel

    How to add print file button in Action menu of record.? When the user selects records in the list view (module) or is viewing the records in the subpanel, clicking on the Print Files button will cause the files in those records to mass print. (Makes…
  • The Products "Subpanel" on Quotes

    I need to run a script when an item is Saved on the Quote. So you pick a product from the dashlet, it is added to the SubPanel and then you click on the green button to save it. As it is saved I need to check its 'product_template_id' and if it is one…
  • How to do a validation that requires an API call

    I want to add a validation to make sure the email address added to a record is unique. This, of course, requires an API call to go check the current email address to all the others. The problem is, in my validation function, by the time the API call returns…
  • >7.9 set readonly in javascript

    Hi, we are upgrading SugarCRM from 7.6 to 7.9 and setting readonly depending on values in Javascript does not work anymore. Cause the model is availble after rendering, setting a field to readonly has no effect when it's used in this.on('render', ...…
  • Module record pages not working with code following the new Sugar standards

    Hello. I'm using SugarCRM 7.8 Enterprise Edition. I have a package for the module 'Opportunities', which I need to update some javascript / sidecar code to make the CRM updatable to version 7.9, according to what Sugar said in a Internal Case I opened…
  • Calling Javascript function from a relate field in Editview

    Hello developers! I need to call a javascript function when a record is chosen in a relate field (in the editview). i know how to do that with standard fields like dropdowns and others but the javascript function is not called on relate fields. 1. i added…
  • JavaScript Controller copy one field to another before blanking the first field

    field_one is a drop down and field_two is a varchar. I want to be able to pick a value in field_one , have it populate field_two and then clear out field_one . Sounds simple enough. So I run this code in the on change event: this.model.set(' field_two…
  • Sugar 7 Enterprise - Preventing form from submiting

    Hello. I'm using SugarCRM Enterprise 7.5. I already found a way to validate related fields from the model RevenueLineItems using javascript (backbone.js + underscore.js), and show an error message on the screen. It's being used on the EditView. But I…
  • Sugar 7 - Form submitting before client-side validation

    Hello. I'm using SugarCRM Enterprise 7.5 for production system, and 7.7 for the test system. I'm developing a package for form validation in the RevenueLineItems (it's called 'Receita' in brazilian portuguese) native module. I followed exactly what this…
  • Add javascript in the onclick of a custom button

    Hi, I work with the 7.6 pro version of Sugar and I have added a custom button in the module Quotes that follows the old standard, the 6.7 version. I have added the button with this code in the detailviewdefs.php: 'buttons' => array ( 0 => 'EDIT' , 1 …
  • Custom js script code giving jquery is not defined error in editviewdef

    Hi All In editviewdef am including js file and when am writing my script am getting Jquery is not defined error. I even tried with Jquery noConflict but no use same error am getting. By default jquery library will be include but for my custom js its not…
  • How to embed javascript in a Sugar Enterprise module?

    Hello. I'm developing on a Sugar Enterprise On-Demand instance. I must do some client-side validation using jquery 'maskedinput' plugin on a field. I already know how to do it in Sugar Community and SuiteCRM, but for Enterprise most people say…
  • How to remove select option using Javascript

    We have a select field and the available options are depending: in edit view I use all, in create view they must be filtered. I tried different ways but nothing works. For example to filter the list before rendering. I have no idea to access the list…
  • Sugar 7 - CreateView field logic breaking form

    Hello. I use Sugar Enterprise 7.7. Only recently I got form validation on page load to work. But there is a problem: the validation I done actually changes the field value by changing it's model value, but it's giving a javascript error, blocking the…
  • Sugar 7 - CreateView not working

    Hello. I'm using Sugar Enterprise 7.5 for production system, and 7.7 for test system. I need to change a datetime module field value in the page as soon as the page is loaded. It's for a custom module. The first solution was to use "calculated fields…
  • How do I dynamically change a list on a CreateView

    I want to change the list of status on the Case create view based on a selection made from a drop down list and the role of a user. I currently have code running which should do this. It will successfully fire when the form is initiated but it does not…
  • Sugar Enterprise 7 - Client-side validation not working

    Hello. I'm using Sugar Enterprise I have a RevenueLineItems module, and need some validations for field and form submit. I have a record.js file for the module, with its destination path defined in the manifest installdefs as: custom/modules…
  • Generate URL of an image field

    Guys, what is the correct way to generate a url for an image field through JavaScript ? I wanted to generate a Dashlet with the image , but do not know how this works in REST .