Dear Team,
I have Upgraded our sugar CRM 11.0.6 to 12.0.3 & we are Getting CRM after login screen (
HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error
Invalid subscription json data
Please help what can i do for this issue
We are using rest api to get the records from any module , We see there is parameter used in that ?erased_fields=true , What does that mean ?
For ex : we are using the api : / rest/v11_20/M03_Work_Product?erased_fields=true&view=list&order_by…
I am getting 500 Internal Server Error in metadata/public?type_filter=&platform=base&module_dependencies=1 API and page unable to load. SugarCRM login page is keeps on loading.But no errors in php & sugar logs.
I need to create relationship between Users -> Roles and Users -> Teams modules. Itry with using sugar studio but the relationship target module ( Roles and Teams ) is not listed. I must create relationships one to many with the core role module…
Hello All,
Could anyone please help with downloading a backup for non-IDM enabled instances, please?
When we go to Admin > Sugar Cloud Insights it throws error "Forbidden Request" and it become difficult to ask sugar support for daily backups. …
Hello support.
I am currently working with an organisation which need to get data when an SugarCrm record is being created.
For this I try to use the REST API so we can get the records information and make a custom login on our end.
For this I see…
Dear ALL,
How to find if is there job queue already there for current record if not then only add new job queue, as many entries are created every time record saves.
Means before adding new job queue I want to check if it's already there and running…
Hello SugarClub
We are facing an issue with installing the package in Sugar Enterprise 12.0.0
It's successfully installed in version 11
Error getting when installing the package - Could not find package file.
This is to let all know that the Legacy API has been refactored in Sugar 12.0.0. The documentation has been carried over from Sugar 11 and is incorrect.
The file 'service/core/webservice.php' no longer exists in Sugar 12.0.0 and has been replaced with…