Schedule report not received and found error log

Have scheduled a report but i am not getting mail and attachment, when checked logs found below error, can someone help to resolve this.

Below error is found in cron.php file when I logged errors.

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method Report::getFieldValue() in /include/Sugarpdf/Sugarpdf.php on line 264

In sugarcrm log below error is logged.

SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: Invalid address:  Wed Nov 23 11:08:50 2016 [2123][513acb83-5ee8-29e7-016d-56f6625e202b][FATAL] Job 477172d7-c6e7-c52a-ac9a-58352befc056 (Report) failed in CRON run

Ramana Raju Santhana sidhu sidhu Mehul  Bhandari Hiren Darji

  • For resolving this I had deleted all the entries in "report_schedules" table scheduled on date of scheduler last successful run,

    It may be possible that the report having some issues is scheduled due to which scheduler stopped running successful.

    Someone facing same issue may find this helpful.