• vagrant v12 cron problem

    Just spent what seemed like an eternity trying to get CRON working on a V12 vagrant box. Turns out the vagrant box image has php 8.0 & 8.1 installed on it, and the CLI (i.e. CRON) will use 8.1 by default - and that crashes cron.php if you run it from…
  • Why Crons doesn't run?

    Hello everyone! Someone knows why all my crons doens't runs automatically? None cron register activity, althougt is configured with an execution minimun interval. I added this line: $sugar_config['cron']['min_cron_interval'] = 0; on my config_override…
  • Schedule report not received and found error log

    Have scheduled a report but i am not getting mail and attachment, when checked logs found below error, can someone help to resolve this. Below error is found in cron.php file when I logged errors. PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Report::getFieldValue…