iCalendar empty In Outlook

I am trying to connect to the icalendar in my Sugar however it connects but displays that I have no meetings and whether I still want to add it. I click yes but it is completely empty. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance
Parents Reply
  • Hi!

    Does that hotfix also fix problems with character encoding???

    I find out, if my events in SugarCRM calendar has Finnish characters or special characters, Google "Add by URL" adding does nog work.

    When I removed characters, worked right away.

    Please, email fix to me?

    I fixed iCal.php and vCard.php according this formum post

    It seems that there is still bug with charcter encoding, although in header says, that character encoding is UTF-8, it is something else.

    Funny, that if events are exported from SugarCRM and saved to file and then imported to Google Calendar, events comes (special characters are something...)

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