Reason why basic search or advance search is not working on a new custom module?

Is there anything I need to check or configure to make sure that the search will work? By search I am not referring to global search but instead on the basic and advance search for the module.

  • Hi Rodolfo Tuble

    Did you try reindexing from Administrator > Search and do reindexing.



  • Can you elaborate on what happens when you try to perform a search?

    Have you checked the sugarcrm.log file to see if you are getting any errors?

  • Hello Angel Magana,

    When I try to do basic or advance search it just reloads the page like it did try to search but it failed to do so.

    Also, I did what you mentioned and checked the logs and this is what I found when comparing my working search on the invoice module and the search for my custom module:

    Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] List View Where Clause: ( like 'test 1%')   AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (cb_supporttickets.created_by = '1') AND cb_supporttickets.deleted=0 ORDER BY cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number Start: 0 count: 21 Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] Query: SELECT , cb_supporttickets.created_by , cb_supporttickets.assigned_user_id , cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number ,  , jt0.user_name created_by_name , jt0.created_by created_by_name_owner  , 'Users' created_by_name_mod, cb_supporttickets.department , cb_supporttickets.status , cb_supporttickets.priority , cb_supporttickets.resolution  , jt1.user_name assigned_user_name , jt1.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod FROM cb_supporttickets   LEFT JOIN  users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0   AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (cb_supporttickets.created_by = '1') AND cb_supporttickets.deleted=0 ORDER BY cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number LIMIT 0,21 Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00067806243896484

    Here the where clause is wrong and it should be searching for the name and not using created_by

    This is for the different module:

    Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] List View Where Clause: ( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0)) Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query:SELECT id, name FROM saved_search                   WHERE                     deleted = '0' AND                     assigned_user_id = '1' AND                     search_module =  'AOS_Invoices'                   ORDER BY name   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0))) AND aos_invoices.deleted=0 ORDER BY aos_invoices.number Start: 0 count: 21 Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query: SELECT , aos_invoices.billing_account_id , aos_invoices.assigned_user_id , aos_invoices.number , , aos_invoices.status , billing_account , aos_invoices.total_amount , aos_invoices.currency_id , aos_invoices.due_date  , jt1.user_name assigned_user_name , jt1.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod, aos_invoices.date_entered , aos_invoices.created_by  FROM aos_invoices  LEFT JOIN accounts jt0 ON aos_invoices.billing_account_id = AND jt0.deleted=0   LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0))) AND aos_invoices.deleted=0 ORDER BY aos_invoices.number LIMIT 0,21 Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00073909759521484

    Here it is working as expected and is searching by name, but for the other module it was searching by created_by which was not the option I chose when searching.

    What files should I be checking here as to why it defaulted on searching by created_by and not by name?

  • Hello Angel Magana,

    When I try to do basic or advance search it just reloads the page like it did try to search but it failed to do so.

    Also, I did what you mentioned and checked the logs and this is what I found when comparing my working search on the invoice module and the search for my custom module:

    Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] List View Where Clause: ( like 'test 1%')   AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (cb_supporttickets.created_by = '1') AND cb_supporttickets.deleted=0 ORDER BY cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number Start: 0 count: 21 Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] Query: SELECT , cb_supporttickets.created_by , cb_supporttickets.assigned_user_id , cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number ,  , jt0.user_name created_by_name , jt0.created_by created_by_name_owner  , 'Users' created_by_name_mod, cb_supporttickets.department , cb_supporttickets.status , cb_supporttickets.priority , cb_supporttickets.resolution  , jt1.user_name assigned_user_name , jt1.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod FROM cb_supporttickets   LEFT JOIN  users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0   AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (cb_supporttickets.created_by = '1') AND cb_supporttickets.deleted=0 ORDER BY cb_supporttickets.cb_supporttickets_number LIMIT 0,21 Sun Nov  6 23:56:41 2016 [27260][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00067806243896484

    Here the where clause is wrong and it should be searching for the name and not using created_by

    This is for the different module:

    Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] List View Where Clause: ( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0)) Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query:SELECT id, name FROM saved_search                   WHERE                     deleted = '0' AND                     assigned_user_id = '1' AND                     search_module =  'AOS_Invoices'                   ORDER BY name   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0))) AND aos_invoices.deleted=0 ORDER BY aos_invoices.number Start: 0 count: 21 Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query: SELECT , aos_invoices.billing_account_id , aos_invoices.assigned_user_id , aos_invoices.number , , aos_invoices.status , billing_account , aos_invoices.total_amount , aos_invoices.currency_id , aos_invoices.due_date  , jt1.user_name assigned_user_name , jt1.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod, aos_invoices.date_entered , aos_invoices.created_by  FROM aos_invoices  LEFT JOIN accounts jt0 ON aos_invoices.billing_account_id = AND jt0.deleted=0   LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0   AND jt1.deleted=0 where (( like '1%' ) AND ( IN (SELECT favorites.parent_id FROM favorites                                    WHERE favorites.deleted = 0                                        and favorites.parent_type = "AOS_Invoices"                                        and favorites.assigned_user_id = "1") OR NOT (0))) AND aos_invoices.deleted=0 ORDER BY aos_invoices.number LIMIT 0,21 Mon Nov  7 05:07:19 2016 [19438][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00073909759521484

    Here it is working as expected and is searching by name, but for the other module it was searching by created_by which was not the option I chose when searching.

    What files should I be checking here as to why it defaulted on searching by created_by and not by name?
