Rename 'Users' module

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to rename the 'Users' module without success. I go to Admin -> Rename modules but the 'Users' module does not appear so I can't rename it.

Actually, what I need is to rename my 'Contacts' module so it is called 'Users'. That's why I need to rename the 'Users' module to 'Sugar Users', so both module names do not collide (if I rename the 'Contacts' module to 'Users', this module no longer appears in Studio, so this is the main problem).

Can anyone provide me a working solution?

Thank you very much!


Parents Reply
  • Hi David, 

    You are correct, this seems like a bug so I created the following ticket to address this with the Developers: 

    However there is a simple workaround as you can also change all labels on module level:

    1.) Go to Admin > Studio > Users > Labels
    2.) Change "Frequently used Labels" to "All Labels"
    3.) Change LBL_MODULE_NAME
    4.) Log out of Sugar and login again to update the cache

    Let me know if that worked for you as well. 



    There might be other labels that you want to change, for example subpanels or similar. I'd just search the website on the labels page for 'Users' and change all labels that you need to change.  
