MailerFactory damage the attached files

Hi Everyone!

I have a problem with a code, I have a logichook that sends an email with files attached, but some days ago the customer reported an issue... the files arrive damage to the inbox email. I'm using the 'MailFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer()' method to make this (I let my code). I'm not sure since what sugarCRM version this problem appears; 'cause the issue is present over the SugarCRM 12.2. I tested the same code over my local with the same instance but with the version 11.3 and the functionality works fine, making various tests. So, I would like if someone have had the same problem and how managed this, 'cause the SugarCRM personal of the Case Portal says the problem is the custom code; but I repet, the code works fine on a previous version (11.3)

Thank you, and I expect some help.

        $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
        $mailTransmissionProtocol = $mailer->getMailTransmissionProtocol();
        $body = trim($mailHTML);
        $textOnly = EmailFormatter::isTextOnly($body);
        if ($textOnly) {
        } else {
          $textBody = strip_tags(br2nl($body)); // need to create the plain-text part
        if (count($mailTo) > 0) {
          foreach ($mailTo as $mailTo) {
            $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new \EmailIdentity($mailTo['email'], $mailTo['name']));
        if (count($mailTo2) > 0) {
          $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new \EmailIdentity($mailTo2, 'Contacto'));
        if (count($mailTo3) > 0) {
          foreach ($mailTo3 as $mailTo3) {
            $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new \EmailIdentity($mailTo3['email'], $mailTo3['name']));
        if (count($mailTo4) > 0) {
          foreach ($mailTo4 as $mailTo4) {
            $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new \EmailIdentity($mailTo4['email'], $mailTo4['name']));
        if (count($mailTo5) > 0) {
          foreach ($mailTo5 as $mailTo5) {
            $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new \EmailIdentity($mailTo5['email'], $mailTo5['name']));

        $bd3 = " SELECT id FROM notes WHERE note_parent_id = '{$NoteId}' ";
        $adj_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($bd3);

        $bd2 = " SELECT filename FROM notes WHERE note_parent_id = '{$NoteId}' ";
        $Name_nota = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($bd2);

        $folder = substr($adj_id, 5, 3);
        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("****** Busca id Note adjunto ****");
        $mailAttachment = "upload/" . $folder . "/" . $adj_id;
        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("****** mailAttachment ****" . $mailAttachment);
        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("****** Id Adjunto " . $adj_id . " ****");
        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("****** Nombre adjunto " . $Name_nota . " ****");

        $mailer->addAttachment(new \Attachment($mailAttachment, $Name_nota));
        $bean->tct_email_contrato_c = true;
        $result = $mailer->send();
  • Hi - did you ever find a solution as I'm getting exactly the same on the latest v13? It's included images that are being messed up.


  • Hi - did you ever find a solution as I'm getting exactly the same on the latest v13? It's included images that are being messed up.


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