• Portal issue with custom module create records

    Hi, I have created custom module in sugar and add that module into sugar portal. I have followed all the steps given in this blog post: sugarclub.sugarcrm.com/.../adding-a-custom-module-to-the-customer-portal Module display in the portal. When…
  • MailerFactory damage the attached files

    Hi Everyone! I have a problem with a code, I have a logichook that sends an email with files attached, but some days ago the customer reported an issue... the files arrive damage to the inbox email. I'm using the 'MailFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer…
  • How to prevent overwrite a custom administration controller.php?

    Hi folks! I have 2 packages that write one same file. The first package I made some days ago and is installed now. The second package is a plugin that some company made. So, When I installed the second package, I didn't prevent the latests package overwrite…