• how do I get curren contacts module record.js for upgrade version 9.0.1 to 9.0.6 ?

    [2024-07-09T07:07:03+00:00] INFO => F: [Issue 110][red][useOfAppViewInvokeParent][562][useOfAppViewInvokeParent] Use of removed Sidecar app.view.invokeParent method in custom/modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/recordlist/recordlist.js ({ extendsFrom…
  • Unspecified error when clicking "create folder" in cloud drive dashlet

    I am having a weird issue with the cloud drive dashlet using Google Drive. Everything works perfectly fine, until I try to add the Google account to multiple user's sugar profiles under external accounts. It will work for about a day, but then it will…
  • MailerFactory damage the attached files

    Hi Everyone! I have a problem with a code, I have a logichook that sends an email with files attached, but some days ago the customer reported an issue... the files arrive damage to the inbox email. I'm using the 'MailFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer…
  • PHP error in studio

    Hi, I am getting the following error when accessing the studio and trying to edit a field. Also the CSS is not properly loading. Anyone having any experience with this? PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string…
  • Repair Error

    Hello, I ran a quick repair on my production org, and receiving this error: /*COLUMNS*/ /*MISSING IN DATABASE - team_id - ROW*/ /*MISSING IN DATABASE - team_set_id - ROW*/ /*MISSING IN DATABASE - acl_team_set_id - ROW*/ ALTER TABLE hint_accountsets…
  • Error when I save a record

    Hi, I'm working with Sugarcrm 7.6 pro and I have a big problem when I save a record with the regular user but not with the Admin user. When I try to save an Account or a Contact record, sugar stops me with this error " There was an error while connecting…
  • Got error: [FATAL] Cannot load field defs for Task/Opportunities/ForecastWorksheet

    Hi all, I got this error every second that make log is big and it shows 3 lines of the same pattern. Wed Dec 9 02:31:04 2015 [11773][1][FATAL] Cannot load field defs for Task Wed Dec 9 02:31:04 2015 [11773][1][FATAL] Cannot load field defs for Opportunity…