Why doesn't BeanFactory("module name", id) return the record from the db?

Hello World, 

So I have an api call that is working.  That is I can put in the url and some argument and print out that argument. I want to get some data using beans,  I know that I am clearly doing something wrong because nothing is return what I expect it to.  For example I have this code:

$accountID = '1d53d7c0-5783-9a99-09a6-555e943c52cb';

$accountBean = BeanFactory::getBean("Accounts",$accountID);

//Shouldn't this return the record the db?

return $accountBean;

According to the documentation on the developer site when you add the ID of the bean you want the bean factory should return the record from the db. Correct?



This is the value from the db:

So shouldn't I expect to see a bean representing that record with that data that have a name property of Internal testing Team?

When I test the code using postman I get this instead:

As you can see I can search for the name value but nothing is there. It appears to just be the definition of the object that I returned and not the record from the database.

Why is this?  Can someone please shed light on my problem.

Best Regards

  James Palmisano

  • Hi James,

    What if you use retrieveBean() instead of getBean()?


    There "null will be returned instead of an empty bean object if the retrieve fails".

    If it returns null the question would be why the retrieve fails. Can you shed some light how you implemented that customization? Is it a logic hook for example?



  • I just tried the code to retrieved the bean instead of getBean and null is returned

    So this bean isn't found but the record is there.  hmmmmm maybe rebuild indices?

  • Dumb question: are you sure you are looking at the same instance of Sugar from the script and from the MySQL workbench?

    I juggle three development instances and it has happened that I think I'm on one when I'm on another...


  • Which user context are you using when attempting to access that record? Are you logged into the API as a user that would be able to see that account record via the main web app?

  • I am using my own user credentials to create an OAuth token

    Then I use that token to call the url in postman

    Angel Magana

  • The client_id is defined as such

    It appears that I am a sugar user when I use this client_id

    Is this the problem?

  • Why are you using the platform value of "custom" versus "base" or "api?"

  • I don't remember to be honest.  Would that make every response from the db return as null?

  • just created a token with base and then another with api and both of them produced the same result.  So my code still will just return null.  We are getting closer....

    Thank you for all the responses today!

  • Can you post the code for your endpoint? Also, have you tried the getBean() method outside the context of a custome endpoint, for example, in a logic hook?

  • Someone else here discovered that the api doesn't come with a db instance initiated so we had to define our own.  Here is the code that I was playing with before we figured that out. 



    * Created by PhpStorm.

    * User: James

    * Date: 7/8/16

    * Time: 1:18 PM



    if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


    class HubbleBubbleAPICall extends SugarApi


       public function registerApiRest()


           return array(


               'HubbleBubbleAPICall' => array(

                   //request type

                   'reqType' => 'GET',


                   //set authentication

                   'noLoginRequired' => true,


                   //endpoint path

                   'path' => array('HubbleBubble', '?'),


                   //endpoint variables

                   'pathVars' => array('', 'data'),


                   //method to call

                   'method' => 'getHubbleBubbleData',


                   //short help string to be displayed in the help documentation

                   'shortHelp' => 'HubbleBubble/CustomerID_Num',


                   //long help to be displayed in the help documentation

                   //TODO:need to make a help doc page for this endpoint

                   'longHelp' => 'custom/clients/base/api/help/HubbleBubbleAPICall.html',





        * @param $api

        * @param $args

        *   customer ID from the in_customers table

        *  it will look like this : customer_someInt

        * @return mixed


       public function getHubbleBubbleData($api, $args)



           //$in_customer_bean = BeanFactory::getBean("IN_Customer",$args);

           //$in_customer_bean->id = $args;



           $sugarQuery = new SugarQuery();


           //add fields to select



           //fetch the bean of the module to query

           $bean = BeanFactory::newBean('IN_Locations');


           //add from table of the module we are querying

           $sugarQuery->from($bean, array('team_security' => false));


           //add join



           //add where



           $result = $sugarQuery->execute();


           //initialize db instance

           //global $db;

           //$query = "select min(in_l.install_date) as minInstallDate from in_locations in_l

    //join in_customers_in_locations_c relTable on relTable.in_customers_in_locationsin_locations_idb = in_l.id

    //join in_customers on relTable.in_customers_in_locationsin_customers_ida = in_customers.id

    //where in_l.install_date is not null and in_customers.id ='customers_117'; ";


    //        $result = $db->query($query);

    //        if (!$result) {

    //            die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());

    //        }


           $accountID = '1d53d7c0-5783-9a99-09a6-555e943c52cb';

           $accountBean = BeanFactory::retrieveBean("Accounts",$accountID);

    //Shouldn't this return the record the db?


               return "The account bean is empty";


               return "The account bean is not empty";



           //$result = $db->query($sqlStartOfBusiness);

           //$returnedData["beginningDate"] = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);


          // return $returnedData;

           //return $accountBean;






    As you can see I was playing with multiple ways to read data, but without a db instance none of them would have worked.

    Thanks for your comments!  Please let us know if we should know anything else in our api calls.

  • So this code ended up working:

    //create db instance

            $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();

            $query = "select min(in_l.install_date) install_date from in_locations in_l  ";

            $query .= " join in_customers_in_locations_c relTable on ";

            $query .= " relTable.in_customers_in_locationsin_locations_idb = in_l.id ";

            $query .= " join in_customers on relTable.in_customers_in_locationsin_customers_ida ";

            $query .= " =  in_customers.id where in_customers.id ='customers_117' ";

            $query .= " and in_l.install_date is not null ";


            $return_value = 'No exception';

            try {

                $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query);

                $result = $db->getOne($query);

                if ($result != null) {

                    $return_value = $result;

                } else {

                    $return_value = 'Result is null';



            } catch (Exception $e) {

                $return_value = "Exception raised: " . $e->getMessage();



            return $return_value;

  • So this code ended up working:

    //create db instance

            $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();

            $query = "select min(in_l.install_date) install_date from in_locations in_l  ";

            $query .= " join in_customers_in_locations_c relTable on ";

            $query .= " relTable.in_customers_in_locationsin_locations_idb = in_l.id ";

            $query .= " join in_customers on relTable.in_customers_in_locationsin_customers_ida ";

            $query .= " =  in_customers.id where in_customers.id ='customers_117' ";

            $query .= " and in_l.install_date is not null ";


            $return_value = 'No exception';

            try {

                $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query);

                $result = $db->getOne($query);

                if ($result != null) {

                    $return_value = $result;

                } else {

                    $return_value = 'Result is null';



            } catch (Exception $e) {

                $return_value = "Exception raised: " . $e->getMessage();



            return $return_value;

No Data