how to redirect to related list insert screen after inserting a parent account

The subject sorta sums up my question.

Basically I want to be able to do any of the following:

1. Make a specific subpanel entry required after inserting a parent account.


2. Redirect to subpanel insert screen after inserting a parent account.

Any of those 2 doable? I'm using the professional edition by the way.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Gerardo,

    It's weird when I print it to the console "this" works fine and I can see this.model.

    however if I try to print this.model it says undefined and consequently if I try this.model._relatedCollections the page would break and not event load.

    I thought it was a scope issue, so I tried this:

    var self = this;


    still got an error because I am trying to access something from undefined object.

    I extend the record view for my opportunity so that it would redirect to the insert screen of my custom module which is 1-M with Opportunity.


    I think I may have figured out the problem.
