how to redirect to related list insert screen after inserting a parent account

The subject sorta sums up my question.

Basically I want to be able to do any of the following:

1. Make a specific subpanel entry required after inserting a parent account.


2. Redirect to subpanel insert screen after inserting a parent account.

Any of those 2 doable? I'm using the professional edition by the way.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Gerardo,

    I have just finally figured it out. and you are right it's a timing issue.

    I have to use a setTimeout(function(){if(this.model._relatedCollections.CUSTOMLINKNAME.models.length == 0)App.router.navigate(.....);},1000};

    At first I had to use this.on('render',this._mycustomfunctionname,this) but when I tried inside initializations the customization still work.

    so it really is just a timing issue.

    Thanks so much for your help man!
