Showing timeout while trying to search on custom field

Hi All,

I created and deployed a custom field through Studio  and when I trying to search the particular custom field in the list view it seems to be timeout.

How can I solve this issue ?

  • Hi Sino,

    The issue may be caused by a database timeout. To determine if this is the cause, go to Admin > System Settings and enable 'Log slow queries'. Also, ensure the 'Slow query time threshold' is set to a reasonable number (the default is 5000 msec). You could set this to 2000 or 3000, but based on the behavior you are seeing 5000 should be restrictive enough if this is a database issue. 

    Then, reproduce the issue and investigate the sugarcrm.log file to see if a slow query was reported. If you have direct database access, run an EXPLAIN on that query to identify where the performance bottlenecks are occurring. Depending on the results, adding an index on the one or more fields may remedy the issue. If you are unsure of how to proceed, please provide the EXPLAIN results.

    If Sugar does not log any slow queries when encountering the search timeout, I recommend checking the server/PHP error log(s) for any errors corresponding with the action.

  • Hi Sino,

    The issue may be caused by a database timeout. To determine if this is the cause, go to Admin > System Settings and enable 'Log slow queries'. Also, ensure the 'Slow query time threshold' is set to a reasonable number (the default is 5000 msec). You could set this to 2000 or 3000, but based on the behavior you are seeing 5000 should be restrictive enough if this is a database issue. 

    Then, reproduce the issue and investigate the sugarcrm.log file to see if a slow query was reported. If you have direct database access, run an EXPLAIN on that query to identify where the performance bottlenecks are occurring. Depending on the results, adding an index on the one or more fields may remedy the issue. If you are unsure of how to proceed, please provide the EXPLAIN results.

    If Sugar does not log any slow queries when encountering the search timeout, I recommend checking the server/PHP error log(s) for any errors corresponding with the action.

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