How can I create OAuth keys for a particular user ? Please help me to find a solution to create OAuth key for an particular user
How can I create OAuth keys for a particular user ? Please help me to find a solution to create OAuth key for an particular user
This POST call returns access_token & refresh_token against a valid username & password
Hi Sino Thomas,
You can create the OAuth key by Admin->OAuth Key.
After creating it you can use it for your user for which you want to use and pass the following arguments for authentication.
$oauth2_token_arguments = array(
"grant_type" => "password",
//client id - default is sugar.
//It is recommended to create your own in Admin > OAuth Keys
"client_id" => "sugar",
"client_secret" => "",
"username" => $username,
"password" => $password,
//platform type - default is base.
//It is recommend to change the platform to a custom name such as "custom_api" to avoid authentication conflicts.
"platform" => "custom_api"
HelloMaryam Aslam , I am dealing with the same issue, however I have no option to create a key in OAuth Key Menu. What would you suggest to do in this case?
If you are looking for a "long term auth token", sugar does not have this.
if you try to integrate a tool that does not handle sugar auth, I recommend you to build a custom entry point with "noLoginRequired" and implement your own security check. (ensure to set the current_user before doing any db call)
I put in an enhancement request some years ago to allow unlicensed "integration" users to be added to the credentials:
Then you could set a "platform" for each of your integration applications.
So far it counts 15 customers affected, if you submit a Case to Support and ask to be added to the "Affected Customers" for Idea #78363 maybe we'll get what we need
Hi Ersilja Menga ,
There is an option to create OAuth keys in the module-level menu:
If you don't see that option, what version of Sugar are you running?