Search or Filter Records from Module

Hi All,

Im creating a live search module for our wordpress website and want users to be able to search our sugarcrm knowlege base module

I was wandering if anyone had used filter or search and if they had noticed any performance  differences in the two. I wan to create this as a live search so results will change as a user types 


it says module has been added to the search endpoint put when i add this to my GET request  i get 

    "error": "no_method",
    "error_message": "Could not find a route with 2 elements"

 my query is 


we use sugar cloud  Ent v9

  • Can someone help with my understanding here, i have tried using the globalsearch but this will only return exact matches to the q parameter. I thought id create my own custom endpoint and use mysql match to do a full text search

        kbcontents kb
            'my printer' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE

    however this throws an sql error as fulltext index is not created on this table, but i thought that if you made a field searchable in studio where is asks Full Text Searchable

    Im now confused as this doesn't seam to alter the table and add the full text index

    Anyone know how i can create an effective search of knowledge based name and content fields for a phrase but not nessacry an exact match

  • Can someone help with my understanding here, i have tried using the globalsearch but this will only return exact matches to the q parameter. I thought id create my own custom endpoint and use mysql match to do a full text search

        kbcontents kb
            'my printer' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE

    however this throws an sql error as fulltext index is not created on this table, but i thought that if you made a field searchable in studio where is asks Full Text Searchable

    Im now confused as this doesn't seam to alter the table and add the full text index

    Anyone know how i can create an effective search of knowledge based name and content fields for a phrase but not nessacry an exact match

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